When it comes to the world of anime, Dragon Ball is one of the most popular series since over 3 and a half decades. Toei Animation and Akira Toriyama have been consistently providing amazing content for our beloved anime and manga series. What was supposed to initially end with the Frieza Saga is still going strong. The Universe Survival saga of Dragon Ball Super breathed new life into the series and fan have been rooting for more ever since.
Will there be a season 2 of Dragon Ball Super?
Yes, Dragon Ball Super will return with a new season full of new sagas and character arcs. The last we saw of the popular anime series was in 2018 in the form of Dragon Ball Super: Broly. Ever since then manga has progressed quite a lot but anime side has stayed largely silent. That was until now as Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is all set to debut on 11th June, 2022 and Dragon Ball Super Season 2 might be following it soon as well.
Dragon Ball Super Season 2 will most probably follow the manga and we’ll see the Galactic Patrol Prisoner saga and The Moro Arc. But we have often seen anime diverting from manga and Dragon Ball series tend to do it in a positive way. But if it follows the Manga, we’ll see the rise of a new supervillain called Moro who will give the Z fighters a run for their money. Moro has the terrifying power to steal life force from planets which makes him the biggest threat they’ll face since Frieza.
Talking about Frieza, you might be aware that he was resurrected at the end of the Universal Survival Saga of DBS. This would kickstart the next arc after Moro, called the Granolah the Survivor Arc. Granolah is a Cerealian whose home planet was destroyed by Saiyans under the command of Frieza. So, upon hearing about Frieza’s resurrection, he will be out for revenge which will also make him clash with Goku and Vegeta.
Goku’s Ultra Instinct and Vegeta’s Ultra Ego
Being Dragon Ball universe, we are sure to see some new transformations. There’s a running joke about the franchise which say “Everytime things get difficult, Goku gets a new hairstyle and defeats his enemies.” Well, to some extent this is true as in Dragon Ball Super itself we saw 3-4 different transformations of Goku including Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Blue, Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken, and Autonomous Ultra Instinct. Goku used Ultra Instinct to overpower Jiren and ultimately defeat him but he wasn’t able to summon it after that.
So, Dragon Ball Super Season 2 will showcase Goku’s training to master Ultra Instinct under Beerus and Whis. Whis as you may know is an Angel who are automatically masters of Ultra Instinct, so it would be really cool to see him train Goku ad Vegeta this OP skill. As for Vegeta, if they follow the manga, he will develop his own version of the ability called “Ultra Ego”. This form basically grants its users God of Destruction like form and will help Vegeta achieve his lifelong dream of surpassing Goku.
Dragon Ball Super Season 2 Release Date
While we know what story and character arcs Season 2 might follow, we still have no official word on its release date. It’s been over 6 years since the first episode of Dragon Ball Super aired and around 5 years since it ended. Ever since then fans have been asking only one question, “When Will Dragon Ball Super return?” Well here’s what we know about it.
According to the recent rumors, the second season of the anime is already in production, and the first official trailer might debut by fall. Also, in his last interview, Akio Iyoku teased that “something other than the movie” will come out this year. Our bid is on Dragon Ball Super Season 2 trailer but it could very well be something else. According to some unofficial sources on Twitter, Dragon Ball Super Season 2 will start airing around April 2023 and will consist of 60 episodes as opposed to 130 in season 1.
So, that’s pretty much all we know about Dragon Ball Super Season 2 and if you have anymore information on the same, please share the same in the comments section below.
If you have any questions regarding the Dragon Ball Franchise, feel free to ask in the comments below and stay tuned. As usual, like, subscribe and share our articles as we here are trying to build a community of people High on Cinema!
There is no telling if the Manga will be canon to the Anime and Visa versa.
The manga might be like vegas, what happens in the manga might stay in the manga only.
we’ll know when the new Movie releases.
I love to check in and on this website and it gives me all the info I need about my favorites and my favorite is dragon ball super and I am patiently waiting for the second season of dragon ball super anime I can’t wait to see the galactic patrol prisoner arc and the granolah the survivor arc in which it shows our favorite main characters for example Goku activate at will, (Mastered Autonomous Ultra Instinct) and for Vegeta activate at will his on version of godly ki transformations which he names Ultra Ego which I think is not a horribly bad name but a far cry from a great name I would prefer one of these names that I thought of (Autonomous Hakaishin Instinct) or (Autonomous Ultra Destroyers Instinct) those names sound way cooler and it would sound way better as a Yang persona so to speak and serve as the opposite to Goku’s Ying (MUI) because there working in identical Devine training but there fight training is moving in the same but opposite directions to achieving Devine power which would truly sound like 2 sides of the same coin like it is clearly depicted in the anime and manga. So I give my thanks and gratitude this website for giving us dragon ball z, dragon ball super fans the news we desperately look for concerning the second season of dragon ball super anime. This is something that I love to watch and read about and this is the first of many messages I will be putting on this site.
Wow, this comment made our day. Thanks a lot for your support. We’ll keep on bringing on more Dragon Ball content as it is our favorite as well. Hope you continue to support us!
So message number 2 – I think that the dragon ball super anime should return as a fleshed out dragon ball super anime in episode format from the Broly movie, then showing some of the z fighters visiting Universe 6 planet Sedalia the ones visiting planet Sedalia is (Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Broly, Trunks, and Goten) showing the last remaining Saiyans from Universe 7 with the mention of Pan Goku letting them know that she 1 quarter Saiyan due to gohan being half saiyan. After the meet and greet and Goku reunited with caulifla and Kale with Vegeta reunites with Cabba as he introduces him and Goku to the king of Sedalia and after some training fighting episodes helping them scout some bad guys and them show off there transformations to all the Universe 6 Sayains with all of them having different transformations Goku and Vegeta same transformations until Super Sayains Blue Evolution by Vegeta then showing there God Ki transformations with Goku unleashing his Ultimate transformation – MUI (Mastered Autonomous Ultra Instinct) and Vegeta Ultimate form MUDI (Mastered Autonomous Ultra Destroyer Instinct) and leaving with new Allies, then returning to the Moro Arc beginning. Then the Granolah The Survivor Arc starting weeks after the Moro arc ends setting up the Dragon Ball Super anime to complete the granolah arc for the rest of the anime season 2 and when the second season ends and completes with it leading into the dragon ball super superhero Movie begins also after the granolah arc ends in the anime and the Second season ends and setting up the third season of dragon ball super season 3 anime with the dragon ball super superhero movie feeling in the gaps to begin the dragon ball super anime season 3 and with the next manga arc beginning will be the next arc of season 3 anime as well.
Amazing insights! Much appreciated.
Message number 3 – my video game thoughts. I think dragon ball z: kakarot is the greatest dragon ball z video game of all time and I think the best follow up to this game is to keep the same format and how it is done in that game and change nothing except for any upgrades that needed to the game such as graphics improvements to fight styles and combat engagements and all the mechanics of a great open world fighting game as much improvements on open world search activities and cars include better baseball mechanics and basketball mechanics, soccer and football. Also introduce more places in the game to roam find clues and fight such as the room of spirit and time located at kami’s look out and Bulma’s training room in the build training room the inside of the transformation training room created for Vegeta to contain all the power ups adjust the gravity to go as high as 600 gravity force and it is the one inside the corporation’s laboratory and the training room for on the outside of the building is a capsule corp spaceship that was a modeled and created based off kami’s old spaceship he came in before he got his name kami the spaceship bulma motified to travel through space and it’s capabilities to be able to travel through the entire Universe also create a self-repair function and fuel conversion function meaning it can repair it self in space if need be and if fuel is low or running out can auto land on the nearest planet and can convert any material on that planet found into enough fuel to return to the Hearst destination for help or if close enough return to the home planet earth can also reach far off planets such as yardrit, New Namek, Planetiod Vampa, Planet Cerrial, New Planet World of the Kai’s, as well as Kai worlds from Universe 6 (Supreme Kai Fuwa), 7(Supreme Kai Kaioshin), 9, 10(Supreme Kai Gowasu), 11(Supreme Kai Khai), and 12(Supreme Kai Agu) Destroyers World for Universe 3, 6(Lord Champa), 7(Lord Beerus Planet), 9, 10, and 11, Pride Trooper Home base and home Planet and Galactic Patrol HQ and Galactic Patrol Highly Advance Technological Prison and Other world in which only enter with permission from supreme Kai supreme grand Kai or grand Kai, this new game format will allow action from more non fighting characters such as bulma, bulma sister, Dr. Briefs, and wife, semi fighters such as chi-chi and videl. Which there missions will be to create something needed or fix something that important to the store example bulma and dr. Briefs crated a spaceship from Goku spaceship parts and kami’s old spaceship main characters such as Goku and Vegeta will still go to find the parts but the interaction as far as fixing the machines or creating them will be on the scientist shoulders in which it will be similar to marvel’s Spider-Man the part of the game that Peter has to match the codes to fix Otto’s machine he was creating. Now this game also will use the episode format and follow the story just the same as dragon ball z kakarot. So there will be main story missions and sub-story missions also known as side story mission to gain extra power, speed and experience the dragon ball game is consist of and starting with the Battle Of The Gods using the movie interaction not the DLC format using future trunks to complete the ritual but it will use Vegeta, adult Gohan, kid goten, kid trunks and pregnant Videl glowing and all of them floating to create the super sayian god, so the start of the game Goku and Vegeta will already have SSJ1, 2 Vegeta bezerk rage form for super sayian 2 and Goku have super sayain 3. The auto transformations will be the same button making it possible to add transformations during the game to acquire more transformations such as (Super Sayain God),(Super Sayain Blue), Goku-Only(Super Sayain Blue+Kaioken) (Autonomous Ultra Instinct-Base Form) (Mastered Ultra Instinct) – Sayain transformation, Vegeta-Only (Super Sayain Blue Evolution) (Ultra Ego) and (Master Destroyer Instinct) With Gohan SSJ1, SSJ2, (Ultimate Gohan) Hybrid Sayain Form 1 and (Ultimate Form2) also known as my name for it (Super Sayain Hybrid Mystic Form) Broly SSJ1, SSJ2, Super Sayain Akari, Super Sayain Full power Akari God form and goten and trunks all there missions will be in pairs with them have the fusion dance and new transformation portara ear rings creating (Troten) 1 hour fusion with individual transformations being SSJ1, SSJ2, SSJ3, picollo having true nemakian, super namekian, potential unleashed namekian and super God namekian or potential unleashed 2. (All characters are playable during the tournament of power such as freiza and android 17 after TOP only characters available are Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Broly, Picollo, Goten, and Trunks, for the Moro arc (Good Majin Buu and Meerus) for the Granolah arc is (Granolah and Bardock- flash back purposes) and the game will end after the granolah arc. All DLC will be covering Bardock extended mission, Gohan battle from dragon ball super superhero and the manga arc following the granolah arc. Which will be 3 DLC’s following the granolah arc and like I said keep the exact same format and game play as DBZ: Kakarot so it it will be a sequel with some prequel elements. Current game 1st- DragonBall Z: Kakarot the current game title – New game – 2nd entry DragonBall Super: Kakarot & Prince Vegeta that’s my pitch if I’m making a follow up game more details obviously but that’s the gest of it.
Please read all of my message and if there is assistance needed from me for ideas or anything contact me at Filmoeslimm@gmail.com Subject Line DragonBall Fan Reply.
Thank You for all your hard work on this website and all the updates given and again thank you