March 17, 2025 7:27:21 AM
Dragon Ball Super Final Gohan Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero First Reviews Are Out

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero just debuted on 11th June 2022 in Japan and is set to debut 19th August 2022 in the US and worldwide. Dragon Ball Super anime has been on a hiatus ever since Broly movie and this is the first DBS anime content to come out in 4 years. So, obviously fans like me are really excited and can’t wait to see what’s in store for Gohan and Piccolo, who are take the center stage in the film. The film is just premiered an hour before the time of writing this article but it seems like some fans have viewed it already and have shared their reactions.

*PS – For Official Review Roundup visit this article instead*

DBS: SH First Reactions 

From the reactions, it seems like it is quite different from rest of the DB films and reviewers have mentioned that fans of Gohan and Piccolo are going to enjoy this film a lot. It was also pointed out that the animation being 3D is not as well executed as Dragon Ball Super: Broly but the 3D quality is excellent.

That’s it from early reactions and we’ll bring you an official review roundup in a day or two max. But unfortunately a lot about the film has been leaked on the internet. If you wish to know these leaks, only then proceed with the article.

WARNING – Massive Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero spoilers follow below.

Top 10 Biggest Spoilers for Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero

Dragon Ball Super Super Hero U.S. and Global Release Date Revealed Cell Max

#1 Spoiler – Yes Cell Max is the final antagonist of the film as we predicted.

#2 Spoiler – Gohan achieves a new form called Final Gohan / Gohan Blanco with white hair and red eyes.

#3 Spoiler – Piccolo achieves 2 new forms, Golden Piccolo and Orange Piccolo.

#4 Spoiler – Vegeta Finally beats Goku.

#5 Spoiler – Android 21 is in the movie named Yumi.

#6 Spoiler – Gamma 2 Dies Saving Gohan from Cell Max.

#7 Spoiler – Hachimaru kills Magenta.

#8 Spoiler – Carmine survives.

#9 Spoiler – Pan tries to Fly in the film and finally learns to fly in order to save her life.

#10 Spoiler – Dr. Hedu now works at Capsule Corp.

We’ll bring more detailed information on these spoilers soon and since it is a long 2 months wait for global release, we believe you’ll want to everything you can about this new DBS film.

If you have any questions regarding the Dragon Ball Franchise, feel free to ask in the comments below and stay tuned. As usual, like, subscribe and share our articles as we here are trying to build a community of people High on Cinema!

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