Since it has premiered in Japan, unfortunately a lot about Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero has been leaked on the internet. DBS: SH just debuted on 11th June 2022 in Japan and is set to debut 19th August 2022 in the US and worldwide. It seems like the film is blowing past all expectations and has some major character moments. One of those characters who got some great character development and power boosts in the film is Piccolo, as he and Gohan take the center stage in DBS: SH. If you wish to receive some major spoilers, aside from the one in the title, only then proceed with this article.
Dragon Ball Super – Watch Orange Piccolo’s Full New Transformation
It is our genuine pleasure to inform you that Piccolo achieves not one but two new forms in the film – Golden Piccolo and Orange Piccolo. While Golden Piccolo was officially revealed months ago, orange Piccolo is a new form granted to him by Shenron. Piccolo is his orange form was described to be stronger, bigger, and having a logo on his back that comes out of nowhere.
He transforms to Orange Piccolo in a fight with Gamma 2 Android but even in this form he wasn’t able to take on Cell Max monster. To defeat him Gohan had to undergo a transformation called Final Gohan, which you can check out here. Now, fee free to check out the full transformation video of Piccolo during his fight with Gamma 2 down below.
All rights of this video belong to Toei Animation and Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero novelization explains the symbol on Orange Piccolo’s chest as, “A ring of light spread across Piccolo’s back, and in the midst of it was a tree etched in light – an Ajissa tree from Piccolo’s home world of Namek – which grew and grew, Before long, this tree of light sprouted leaves, and became a round shining crest. This was a symbol representing the pride of the Namekian people.”
Although his name isn’t that catchy, Orange Piccolo seems to be a hit as fans absolutely adored this transformation. If you want to read all the spoilers for Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, check out this link.
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