May 17, 2024
Andor Episode 11 Review – A Touching Yet Badass Episode To Set Up the Finale Maarva Death

You know a quality show when you see one and the new Star Wars spin-off, Andor is surely one of them. After largely disappointing The Book of Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Andor has breathed a fresh air into the Star Wars Universe. Andor  Even though he was one of the largely forgotten Star Wars characters, Diego Luna’s portrayal of Cassian Andor in Rogue One was one of the film’s strongest aspects. And while the outcome of Andor’s story is known, much of his past is still a mystery and so, this live-action prequel series centers around the rebel’s dark and sinister past. Star Wars just released the penultimate Andor Episode 11 and without any further ado, here’s what we think about this surprisingly good show! (Check out the all new Andor Pop action figure here!)

Andor Episode 11 Review – Bringing In the Classic Star Wars Vibe

Review Marathon – Episode 1, 2 & 3 / Episode 4 / Episode 5 / Episode 6 / Episode 7 / Episode 8 / Episode 9

Rating – ★★★★1/2

After a bombastic and highly blood pumping Episode 10, Andor delivers a touching penultimate episode and sets up the season finale. Just about everything in Andor has worked so far and this episode joins the list of incredible episodes this season. The best thing about it was that it hyped us all for the finale but we still don’t exactly know what awaits us there. Unlike episode 6 where we knew a heist was coming or episode 10 where we knew a prison escape was coming, its quite unclear what the finale holds for us.

There are a few scattered plot points which we are sure will be tied together in the finale. Cinta will probably rescue Bix, who is still being tortured by the Empire. Mon Mothma’s season ending might be wedding her daughter, and Luthen as well as Saw Garrera are going to execute their plan. The main part, however, is that Andor will most likely visit Maarva’s funeral and that is where most of the hell is going to break loose. Syril and Meero are waiting for Andor to make that mistake and Vel might be counting on that as well. As for Melshi, he has parted ways from Andor as of now, but as we know, they’ll surely be reunited and later help in saving the galaxy together.

Two of the very best moments in this episode were Luthen’s escape and Andor learning about Maarva’s death. Luthen portrayed by Stellan Skargard has had very short roles in each episode this entire season, but has managed to leave the biggest impact on the viewers. If his monologue about sacrifice from the previous episode wasn’t enough for you, in this episode he delivered the most kickass action scene of the series so far. He battled the Empire Patrol with a mere hovercraft using his wits and will. The sequence reminded us of classic Star Wars battles, only a lot better and smarter.

Luthen has been the MVP of this season without any doubt and Andor himself seems a lot less compelling that Luthen. Anyways, let us not underestimate Andor and Diego Luna as he has delivered some subtle yet excellent performances the entire season. He has always been a pro in portraying subtle yet dangerous characters, with a special mention to his role of Miguel Angel Felix from Narcos: Mexico. In this episode as well, his reaction upon hearing about Maarva’s demise was so heartbreaking but at the same time so damn subtle. He concealed his emotions in front of Melshi but we could see the pain in his eyes. Anyways, do you guys really believe Maarva’s dead? I personally, find it hard to believe and it could be part of a plan or something. Guess we’ll see for ourself in the season finale!

Final Verdict – Andor Episode 11 is a perfect penultimate episode which is paced quite well and instead of slowing things down, it builds upon its predecessors to set up what’s about to come. Apart from a tight script and powerful performances, the cinematography, score, VFX, and a classic Star Wars action sequence pumps the quality of this episode to a top notch TV viewing experience.

The first eleven episodes of Star War: Andor are now airing on Disney Plus and we’ll see you next week when we bring you our Episode 12 verdict.

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