Pet Sematary is a 1983 novel from Stephen King. The novel was nominated for a World Fantasy Award for Best Novel in 1984, and adapted into two films: one in 1989 and another in 2019. However, both adaptations couldn’t give justice to the book. We all know the stature of Stephen King when it comes to horror. There have been many adaptations of his books and if done well, they’ve been huge box office successes. The It franchise along with Doctor Sleep and The Shining are glowing examples of it. As Halloween nears, there is a new Stephen King adaptation on the horizon – Pet Sematary: Bloodlines. The film is based on the above mentioned novel but it is a prequel to the events of the 2019 film. Paramount just released a trailer for the film and King himself has come out in praise of the prequel.
Pet Sematary: Bloodlines – A Dark Trailer And A Great Reaction From Stephen King!
The film will tell an original story about young Jud Crandall as he discovers the dark family history that will forever tie him to his hometown of Ludlow, Maine. However, the film will still be true to the events of the 2019 Pet Sematary. The trailer for the film sets up a dark horror adventure across the town of Ludlow. Many ritualistic practices are seen and a lot of pets turn evil. From the trailer I could gather that the plot will be focused on uncovering the secret behind Timmy’s recent descent into darkness.
If this plotline seems vague then the trailer has done a good job of not revealing too much. Stephen King who often has a repulsive reaction to his adaptations, has come out in praise of the film. The legendary writer posted on X (formerly known as Twitter): “BLOODLINES: In the book, this is the story Jud Crandall tells Louis Creed to try and dissuade him from using the Pet Sematary. The screenplay takes a few liberties, but it’s a fine story. David Duchovny is excellent. The secret, as always, is caring about the characters.”
Watch the full trailer for Pet Sematary: Bloodlines on YouTube:
The film is directed by Lindsey Anderson Beer and stars David Duchovny, Jackson White, Samantha Mathis, Henry Thomas, and Pam Grier.
Pet Sematary: Bloodlines will debut on Paramount Plus on October 6th, 2023.
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