September 22, 2024

Fire Force is based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Atsushi Ohkubo. It revolves around Shinra Kusakabe also known as Devil’s Footprints, who can set fire to his feet at will. Shinra became part of the Special Fire Force Company 8 as he works with other flame users to try and contain any other evils known as living Infernos. Fire Force is produced by David Production and aired from July 6 to December 28, 2019. Season 2 was renewed and aired from July to December 2020.

Cast and Characters

While Fire Force Season 3’s main cast is still unknown, it is expected that most voice actors will come back for Season 3. Below is an overview of the Japanese and English voice actors for Fire Force Season 3:

  • Shinra – Gakuto Kajiwara / Derick Snow
  • Captain Obi – Kazuya Nakai / Jeremy Inman
  • Takehisa – Kenichi Suzumura / Christopher Wehkamp
  • Tamaki – Aoi Yuuki / Jad Saxton
  • Iris – Mao Ichimichi / Alexis Tipton
  • Maki – Saeko Kamijou / Sarah Roach
  • Arthur – Yuusuke Kobayashi / Eric Vale
  • Joker – Kenjirou Tsuda / Sonny Strait

The Evangelist serves as the villain of Fire Force, they are expected to remain the antagonists in Season 3 as well. If you are unfamiliar, the Evangelist is a woman who assembled a religious order whose objective is to fulfill her apocalyptic dream. It remains to be seen how closely Season 3 follows the manga. Given that Seasons 1 and 2 already covered Volumes 1 to 20 of the manga, Season 3 will likely conclude Fire Force since it could explore Volumes 21 to 34.

Release Date of Fire Force Season 3

In May 2022, the official website of FF announced that Season 3 is in development. After a year on May 2023, the show’s Japanese Twitter account confirmed the commencement of production of Season 3. Major factors like the pandemic and David Production’s busy schedule working on other shows, like Cells At Work!! and Strike Witches: Road To Berlin, may be the reason behind the lack of updates for Season 3. A past leak from anime insider Shueishaleaks claimed that Studio Shaft will replace David Production as the show’s main studio. Though there is no confirmation, this could also be the factor in Season 3’s long wait. Fire Force Season 3 is likely to be released sometime in 2024.

Season 1 and Season 2 of Fire Force are available to stream on Crunchyroll.  Season 3 is also set to premiere on Crunchyroll in the US and other international territories.

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