Silent Night is a new action/thriller movie from legendary film director John Woo. The man is nearing eighty but his love for films doesn’t allow him to retire. He has given us some real gems in our childhood like Face/Off (1997), Mission: Impossible 2 (2000) and Hard Target (1993). His newest film is about, a man witnessing the death of his young son on Christmas Eve as the boy gets caught in crossfire between warring gangs. Recovering from a wound that cost him his voice, the man soon embarks on a bloody and grueling quest to punish those responsible. Much like all John Woo films, Silent Night didn’t open up to fantastic reviews. The film performed below average critically and didn’t make up for it at the box office.
Made on an estimated budget of $40 million, the film has only grossed $9 million in its disappointing theatrical run. This is obviously a huge setback and the investors would be hoping the film makes its money back through online and physical media sales. That would explain the imminent online release date the film has gotten.
Here’s When You Can Watch Silent Night Online on Digital!
Silent Night has been made available for purchase on digital and VOD platforms like Apple iTunes, Vudu and Amazon Prime Video now. The film released online just yesterday, meaning the John Woo directorial only had an exclusive theatrical run for 18 days. The makers can’t be blamed for this decision as the film didn’t find any audience in cinemas. This has to be one of the shortest theatre to digital release windows ever. The younger generation won’t be interested in a John Woo film which explains why the film struggled in theatres.
However, I believe true John Woo fans who’ve grown up watching his films will definitely watch this film online now that it is available. I also see fans keeping a hard copy of the film with them. Speaking of that, when will the film have its physical media release? Well, dvdreleases, reports that Silent Night will have its physical media release next year on January 30th, 2024. So, fans have to wait for a while before they can add the film to their collection. However, please watch it online and enjoy it at home.
Silent Night is currently available for purchase on VOD and digital platforms.
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