March 18, 2025 4:17:57 AM
Akira Toriyama Dragon Ball Creator Passes Away - Cause of Death, When, How Explained

I just can’t believe it. I guess none of us can. No one planned on waking up to this unfortunate news as last we all saw Toriyama, he was lively and kicking. All the fans across the globe are wishing Dragon Balls were real so we could wish this legend back. But it’s the harsh reality we all have to accept, which makes it not only the darkest day in the Dragon Ball history, but also one of the saddest ones in anime history. But how did this happen? Why? When? Here’s all we know so far, with more information coming soon.

What is Subdural Hematoma? The Cause of Akira Toriyama ‘s Death

What fans badly and desperately wanted to be a hoax has turned out to be the sad reality as an official memo by Capsule Corp Tokyo confirmed mangaka’s untimely demise. They sadly stated that Akira Toriyama passed away on Friday, March 1st due to acute subdural hematoma at the age of 68. Subdural hematoma is serious brain condition involving bleeding beneath the dura mater (skull and brain). It is often caused by head trauma, symptoms include severe headache, confusion, and loss of consciousness. So, unfortunately, it seems like an accident, although it’s not clear how or when he suffered the head injury that led to his demise.

“It’s our deep regret that he still had several works in the middle of creation with great enthusiasm. Also, he would have many more things to achieve. However, he has left many manga titles and works of art to this world. Thanks to the support of so many people around the world, he has been able to continue his creative activities for over 45 years. We hope that Akira Toriyama’s unique world of creation continues to be loved by everyone for a long time to come. We inform you this sad news, with gratefulness for your kindness during his lifetime”, stated the official report.

It was also stated that the funeral service was held with his family and very few relatives. As Dragon Ball and Toriyama fans, all of us might feel overwhelmed and for that, they have delivered some strict guidelines. First of all, if you feel like sending flowers, condolences gifts, visiting, offerings and others, please avoid that. Secondly, do not try to get in touch with or conduct interviews with his family. But of course, there might be a public gathering to honor him in the future as well, however, it has not been decided yet.

So, let us all behave ourselves, be understanding, and let peace prevail. During Namek Saga, Grand Elder Guru stated, “Death is simply another stage of life”. I’d like to remind you that Toriyama probably believed in that, and is in a happier place right now. As for us, we will forever remember him as humble and respectful man with a huge smile and big glasses on his charming face. He taught us countless lessons and played a huge role in shaping our childhood and overall personalities. I myself owe it to him for imbibing values, passion, and determination within me. Sensei Toriyama, you will be missed… I humbly bow before you, and hope you continue to spread your goodness in the beyond.

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