December 22, 2024
Chainsaw Man Manga Chapter 117 Full Plot Summary, Spoilers, and Raw Scans

Chainsaw Man is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. It follows the story of Denji, an impoverished young man who after making a contract with a dog-like devil named Pochita, he fuses with Denji, granting him the ability to transform parts of his body into chainsaws. The anime TV adaptation of Chainsaw Man also about to debut its twelvth episode this week but today we are going to talk about the ongoing manga which is all set to debut its chapter 117 this week.

Chainsaw Man Chapter 117 Spoilers and Full Plot Leaked

Obviously, massive spoilers for Chainsaw Man Chapter 117 which is titled, “Penguin and Weapon” follow below, so read at your own risk. Also, check out some of the pages attached below which we’ll be adding in a few hours, so stay tuned.

The chapter picks off from Chapter 116 as the Aquarium disappears and Asa gets the Aquarium Spear. Meanwhile Denji is confused if he should take any action but suddenly as a funny moment he finds a penguin which he always wanted to see. On the other hand, the Infinity Devil appears and attacks Asa. President Haruki, Seigi and Brobeni exclaim at the fact that they are now out of the aquarium and watch Asa go up against the Devil. The devil is visibly angry at Asa’s attempt to buy the aquarium, calls Famine devil a b***h and proceeds to attack Asa.

Suddenly Yoshida appears and cuts the Devil’s arm off while Asa proceeds to throw the spear right at the devil resulting in its death. Everyone is shocked at Asa’s power while Denji is still busy admiring the cuteness of Penguin he found. Meanwhile we see Fami standing at the top of the building thinking, “so much for that idea” as Yoshida catches a glimpse at her.


President and others are seen going to report the incident to Devil Hunters. We see Asa and Denji taking a walk and Asa thanking him for dropping her home. She says it might be the worst date ever but Denji assures her that he actually like it and it also gave him an opportunity to hold a penguin. Denji asks her if she intends on keeping her promise of fulfilling one wish of Denji’s and she reassures him. Denji goes on to ask her out on another date as his wish.

Denji says he has more experience dating and will teach her how to have the best dates and Asa agrees. Yoru is visibly astonished and wonders if this is what Love is. She also taunts Asa by saying she would never feel anything for this punk but since she shares Asa’s brain, she can feel it. In a shocking moment, we see Yoru taking control, put her hand on Denji’s forehead and yell, “Denji Spinal Cord Sword!”.

Aside from this, you can read the entire chapter, once it is out by clicking this link. So, be sure to follow our Chainsaw Man weekly coverage from now on and be the first to learn the upcoming events of the manga.

CSM Chapter 117 Release Date and Time

Chainsaw Man Chapter 116 is scheduled to launch on Wednesday, January 11, 2022 at 12:00 AM JST. Fans can read the issue on either Shueisha’s MANGAPlus service, or Shueisha’s Shonen Jump+ app. Obviously, this CSM issue will release on different days at different times according to various time zones. The issue is set to be released at the following times in these major zones:

  • Pacific Time: 8 AM PST
  • Eastern Time: 11 AM EST
  • British Time: 4 PM BST
  • European Time: 5 PM CEST
  • Indian time: 8:30 PM IST
  • Philippine Time: 11 PM PHT
  • Japanese Standard Time: 12 AM JST (Jan 11)
  • Australia Time: 12:30 AM ACST (Jan 11)

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