December 23, 2024
Chainsaw Man Manga Chapter 119 Full Plot Summary, Spoilers, and Raw Scans

Chainsaw Man is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. It follows the story of Denji, an impoverished young man who after making a contract with a dog-like devil named Pochita, he fuses with Denji, granting him the ability to transform parts of his body into chainsaws. The first season of anime TV adaptation of Chainsaw Man ended a few weeks ago and second season is expected to debut later this year. But today we are going to talk about the ongoing manga which is all set to debut its chapter 119 next week.

Chainsaw Man Chapter 119 Spoilers and Full Plot Leaked – Break This Week

Obviously, massive spoilers for Chainsaw Man Chapter 119 which is titled, “TBA” follow below, so read at your own risk. The official chapter release has been delayed by one week as the manga is on break this week. Anyways, check out the leaks below!

Chapter begins as Asa asks Denji what exactly the house rules are. Denji begins by asking her to take off shoes before entering, which is the most basic rule of most houses in Japan. Next, he says that whenever you’re home you have to say you’re home out loud. Then he goes on about how to separate garbage according to different types. Denji says these types of garbage include stuff that needs to be burnt, food scraps, glass etc.

Asa stops him in between and says that she knows these basic rules. Then we see Denji and Asa go to rental store to rent some movies to watch at his home. As you may know, from last chapter, Haruka has been tailing Asa and Denji, so he is behind them. Asa and Denji’s playful banter from past few chapter continues as they decide which movie to rent. Denji wants to watch action movie but Asa doesn’t want that because of the violence.

Next Denji suggests to watch a heist movie but Asa says stealing is wrong. So, Denji moves on towards adult area and Asa is visibly annoyed at this move and disapproves it. But Deni picks out a dramatic movie and Asa feels a little embarrassed for judging him before hand. Anyways, they both agree on this movie as Haruka hides in adult section of the store. As it happens Yoshida is also there and asks him what exactly he’s doing. Next we see only Yoshida coming out and taking along a zombie movie for his VCR. At the end of the chapter Asa and Denji reach his home but police stops them. Denji’s house is destroyed? We’ll add more summary and correct the inaccuracies next week, so stay tuned!

Aside from this, you can read the entire chapter, once it is out by clicking this link. So, be sure to follow our Chainsaw Man weekly coverage from now on and be the first to learn the upcoming events of the manga.

CSM Chapter 119 Release Date and Time

Chainsaw Man Chapter 119 is scheduled to launch on Wednesday, February 1, 2022 at 12:00 AM JST. Fans can read the issue on either Shueisha’s MANGAPlus service, or Shueisha’s Shonen Jump+ app. Obviously, this CSM issue will release on different days at different times according to various time zones. The issue is set to be released at the following times in these major zones:

  • Pacific Time: 8 AM PST
  • Eastern Time: 11 AM EST
  • British Time: 4 PM BST
  • European Time: 5 PM CEST
  • Indian time: 8:30 PM IST
  • Philippine Time: 11 PM PHT
  • Japanese Standard Time: 12 AM JST (Feb 1)
  • Australia Time: 12:30 AM ACST (Feb 1)

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