March 17, 2025 9:01:06 PM
Dragon Ball Super Chapter 101 Full Summary, Leaks, and Raw Scans – Broly vs Vegeta

Now that Beast Gohan is here and the Super Hero Arc is all wrapped up, we expect the next major arc to begin right away with Dragon Ball Super Chapter 101. While some fans believe we might have a few filler chapters, technically last 12 chapters have been nothing but filler themselves. So, it would be best for the franchise if they move on to the main event aka The Black Frieza Arc. It would also make a lot of sense for 2024 opening chapter to be bombastic as 2023 has been pretty dead for Dragon Ball. Leakers have already hyped 2024 as the year of Dragon Ball and we sincerely hope that turns out to be the case. So, realistically speaking, Black Frieza arc should begin soon and as it happens, the latest chapter has defied all expectations after the initial disappointing drafts.

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 101 Spoilers – Gohan Beast Surprises Goku!

First off, let me start by saying that Dragon Ball Super Chapter 101 Summary and all raw scans have been leaked today! Following is the plot summary of Dragon Ball Super Chapter 101 based on the leaks provided by @DBSHype. Obviously, massive spoilers follow below, so read at your own risk. Also, check out some of leaked raw scans of the chapter below and all of them by clicking this link.

Carmine returns from Magenta’s rather low-key funeral (they kept it small to avoid police attention). He is seen with No 15, the RR goon who tagged along with Piccolo to pick up Pan a few chapters ago. We learn that they’ve lost their base and most of their soldiers but Carmine says they’ve still got some funds left. Even so, he doesn’t plan on reviving the Red Ribbon Army as long as Piccolo and Gohan are around. As we progress, there seems to be an accident or something up ahead… But actually it’s Trunks as Saiyaman X1 as Goten as Saiyanman X2 stopping a bank robbery.

Carmine encounters them and in the next panels we see Carmine, No 15, Goten and Trunks having pizza together. Apparently, Carmine is convincing the two heroes to fight against a threat and Goten and Trunks agree to do it, probably for some money (unconfirmed). Next we see, all 4 of them driving up to somewhere. The panel cuts to Planet Beerus where some of the most exciting events of the chapter are taking place. Yes, we see Broly going up up against Vegeta, ensuring fans that DBS ain’t done with Broly yet!

During the sparring we see them fighting in their base forms. Broly charges up to Vegeta who kicks him away effortlessly only for Broly to rage up. While Vegeta holds his own against Broly, he does seem to struggle a bit. So after receiving a punch in the face, Vegeta transforms to Super Saiyan and pushes Broly back. He proceeds to deliver some serious blows to Broly. Broly manages to push him back as Vegeta hides behind some trees. Broly manages to keep his calm and to find Vegeta, he shoots some random energy blasts at his direction. Both of them proceed to fight off at close range once again before being called by Goku for a meal.

We see Whis, Cheelai, and Lemo in the following panels as we see them all having refreshments. The panel cuts to Earth where we see that funnily enough Carmine has driven Trunks and Goten to Gohan’s house and Gohan was the threat he hire the two against. Carmine proceeds to attack Gohan’s house and we see Gohan going full rage mode and transforming to his Beast Gohan form. At this point we cut back to Beerus’s planet where Goku and Vegeta both sense something. Vegeta says, “Kakarot! Can you sense it?” and Goku replies, “This Ki is… Maybe…!” This confirms that Gohan Beast is now insanely strong as not only did his ki travel all the way to Beerus’ planet but he also surprised Goku and Vegeta with his energy.

Anyways, in the next panel, we see Carmine urging Trunks and Goten to help him but of course they have realized they’ve been fooled. Gohan scares away Carmine in a goofy and funny scene and proceeds to scold Trunks and Goten. The confrontation ends when out of nowhere Goku teleports on the top of Carmine’s car. Trunks and Goten pull out to see who it is. Goku greets them and Gohan looks very happy to see him. This is where the chapter spoilers end. We might keep getting more details till the chapter is officially released.

DBS Chapter 101 Release Date and Time

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As per info provided by VIZ, Dragon Ball Super chapter 101 is expected to be released on Friday, January 19 in the monthly V-Jump issue. As you may know DBS is serialized in Shueisha’s V-Jump magazine which is released on the 21st of every month, barring a Sunday or holiday. When DBS chapter 101 comes out, fans will be able to read it on Shueisha’s Shonen Jump+ app and Viz Media’s Manga Plus site. The international release time for the manga series’ upcoming chapter is expected to be the following:

  • Pacific Time – 8 AM (Jan 19)
  • Eastern Time – 11 AM (Jan 19)
  • British Time – 4 PM (Jan 19)
  • European Time – 5 PM (Jan 19)
  • India Time – 8:30 PM (Jan 19)
  • Philippine Time – 11 PM (Jan 19)
  • Australia Central Time – 12:30 AM (Jan 20)

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