Since it has premiered in Japan, unfortunately a lot about Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero has been leaked on the internet. DBS: SH just debuted on 11th June 2022 in Japan and is set to debut 19th August 2022 in the US and worldwide. Fans outside Japan are really excited and can’t wait to see what’s in store for Gohan and Piccolo, who are take the center stage in the film. But they have been spoiled a lot and now it seems like Toei itself is making sure they know about the spoilers of the film. Therefore, they have received new official promos featuring new transformations of Gohan, Piccolo as well as Cell Max, along with some HD images.
Dragon Ball Super Final Gohan is Beast Gohan
To defeat the Cell Max monster, Gohan achieves a new form called Final Gohan / Gohan Blanco with white hair and red eyes. In this form he emits a purple glow covered with lightening and a white aura. This badass and well deserved transformation looks like a love child of Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego. You can read all about it here along with his full leaked transformation video. As you can see in the featured image, Gohan’s new transformation has been revealed as “Son Gohan Beast” which is being called Beast Gohan.
Orange Piccolo vs Cell Max Official
Piccolo achieves not one but two new forms in the film – Golden Piccolo and Orange Piccolo. While Golden Piccolo was officially revealed months ago, orange Piccolo is a new form granted to him by Shenron. Piccolo is his orange form was described to be stronger, bigger, and having a logo on his back that comes out of nowhere. You can check the entire Orange Piccolo transformation here and the official poster above.
Cell Max is the final antagonist of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero as we predicted. As reported before, he has been revealed to be a giant monster with spikes hammer tail and red design. He is extremely powerful and to defeat him our heroes had to unlock new levels of power. Orange Piccolo goes up against Cell Max in new official stills but he wasn’t enough to stop the monster.
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