June 27, 2024
One Punch Man Season 3 Officially Announced, Poster, Release Date and More!

Amongst various famous Japanese Anime, if there is one that I can definitely bet you’d heard of is One Punch Man. The famous anime was adapted from a manga of the same name. The early versions of the webcomic were written in early 2009. The manga was created by One. The series told a story of a powerful superhero named Saitama. He has the ability to defeat anyone with a single punch. As he can defeat anyone he gets bored due to  lack of any challenge. The character of Saitama had achieved this sorcery through a simple but consistent workout regime. The character performed this regime every day for three years after which he got where he is. The regime includes: 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 squats and 10-kilometer run.

The anime series was developed by Madhouse and the series ran from 2015 to 2019 where it had 2 seasons and 24 episodes with another 12 OVAs. Since, the anime’s end people have been pestering Madhouse to develop more seasons for the anime but for 2 years this plea went unheard until earlier on this year when we were getting rumors of another season. However, it wasn’t written in stone yet. Well, that changes today. One Punch Man is officially renewed for Season 3.

What will One Punch Man Season 3 cover?

The manga illustrator for One’s original Webcomic Yusuke Murata tweeted something on Twitter that riled up the fans of the anime. He tweeted that something big is coming. Fans soon began to speculate as to what it is, many predicted One Punch Man Season 3 is happening but no one was sure until today when the third Season has been officially announced. Unfortunately that is extent of information we have currently as extremely sparse is known about the 3rd Season. We don’t even have a release window yet.

That being said, the announcement of the third season itself is huge victory for fans. For context imagining Mindhunter Season 3 being announced or Hannibal Season 4 being announced. Yes, it is similar to that. The second season of the series was a huge dramatic departure for fans who’d fallen in love with the first season of the series. The official website and Twitter made the announcement. Here’s tweet, its in Japanese you’d have to work your way around it, unless you’ve picked up some while watching the show.


After Season 1, Season 2 of the series was developed under J.C Staff and not Madhouse, hence difference in quality between the two seasons. It is unclear as to which studio will be developing the third season. The series 2nd season which was not everyone’s cup of tea or rather not most people’s cup of tea, kick started the Monster Association arc within the grander Human Monster Saga. That storyline is so long that manga was only just put it to rest. Season 3 will likely cover this entire war and culminate in the middle of it, leaving fans to wait for a potential follow up season. Look at us talking about Season 4 when we don’t even know when Season 3 will come out.

One Punch Man Season 1 & Season 2 are available for streaming on Netflix. One Punch Man Season 3 doesn’t have a release date yet.

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