Ms. Marvel premiered its sixth and final episode few hours back on the streaming...
Abheet Gupta
Founder and regular content publisher of High on Cinema. A passionate cinema enthusiast with a keen interest in the drama, fantasy and superhero genre as well as parallel cinema. Terribly terrified by the horror genre, he refrains from even trying the spooky cinema. Having studied Film Appreciation, he has a keen eye for the technicalities involved in a particular piece of cinema and tries to judge a film as open mindedly as possible.
First off, if you want to know all about the Mandalorian Season 3, we...
Holy crap, what the hell was that? If you have seen this week’s episode...
Fortnite is well known for collaborating with a variety of brands, studios, comics, and celebrities....
After multiple delays and a great deal of suspense, God of War Ragnarok finally has...
The LOTR trilogy was so epic, that even most of today’s cinema can’t match...
Ant Man 3 or Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is an upcoming MCU Phase...
Fantastic Four is an upcoming MCU Phase 5 movie which will serve as a...
God of War: Ragnarok is one of the most anticipated games right now. Slated for...
The Boys season 3 debuted its final episode yesterday which was a but disappointing...