Don’t Worry Darling is a new thriller helmed by...
Sameer Talawdekar
A student of cinema with a keen eye and an acquired taste. Blunt and critical while reviewing, if Sameer says a film is good, it's basically a guarantee that it is. He may not like what you do, but that's what makes him a quality fit for any cinema publication. He craves excellence and perfection and that's why you can blindly trust his word!
The third and possibly final film in the Halloween...
Black Adam is the only movie that is going...
House of the Dragon is the latest GOT prequel...
As everyone was starting to get over the atrocious...
DC or Warner Bros. whatever you call them, they...
James Wan is one of the most prolific directors...
Dune is Frank Herbert’s magnum opus- the novel came...
Marvel bombarded all the content they’re coming out within...
Imagine you have rights to one of the most...