Dragon Ball Franchise still remains one of the most popular franchise to date with...
It goes without saying that every 90’s and 2000’s kid has grown up with...
When it comes to the world of anime and manga, Naruto is arguably the...
Spy x Family is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuya Endo....
Arcane is a Netflix original based on the popular game League of Legends. Jinx and Vi...
Dragon Ball Super Manga’s latest arc officially began with Chapter 88 and is being...
Netflix’s Arcane Season 2 is coming to take the fans back into the world of League...
Attack on Titan made its mark on this world years ago. Eren and his...
It is hard to believe that it has been over 9 years since Attack on...
Attack on Titan or Shingeki no Kyojin is one of the most popular as well as...