Ryan Coogler was tasked to continue the Rocky franchise in a new light. He...
Hera Pheri is a 2000 Bollywood comedy film which was helmed by veteran director...
Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey became an internet sensation when the first teaser...
Imagine, in the post pandemic era, where theatres are struggling and films are not...
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts Awards or better known by its...
The beloved horror franchise, Scream created by the master of horror, Wes Craven, back...
Rotten Tomatoes have been infamous for giving MCU films great score on their review...
Shehzada is the new Kartik Aaryan film which is the official Bollywood remake of...
John Wick has to be one of the most famous franchises of the last...
How to Train Your Dragon is Dreamwork‘s most successful animated franchise. The movies in...