The Fablemans is an upcoming Drama / Coming of Age film by Hollywood Legend...
Even 13 years after its release Avatar still stands tall and I was fortunate...
The second directorial venture of Booksmart director Olivia Wilde is Don’t Worry Darling stars Florence...
Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever is an upcoming American superhero film based on the...
Netflix’s upcoming film Blonde will focus on the life of Hollywood’s “blonde bombshell” Marilyn...
Mario is the mascot of Nintendo that debuted as a character in the game...
I think everyone one of us have heard about the director of Knock at...
Halloween Ends is the third and final film in the Halloween Reboot trilogy. The original...
I think at this point everyone is aware that there is a live action Barbie...
Pearl is a new horror / slasher film that stars Mia Goth in the...