Tekken and GTA series are probably the most popular game series among the millennials...
House of the Dragon is the story of the war that decimated millions of...
In a world overrun by Japanese anime, the reception for animated stuff in general...
In one of our previous articles about Invincible Season 2, we brought you some...
Dragon Ball Super Manga’s latest arc officially began with Chapter 88 and is being...
Sony is to the gaming industry what Disney is to the Cinema industry. Not...
Ahsoka is probably the biggest upcoming Star Wars live action project after The Mandalorian...
Marvel Studios and Ryan Reynolds have been working together for the upcoming Deadpool 3....
Typically, alien films choose to present either horror or compassion. Marc Turtletaub’s new release,...
Studio Ghibli is synonymous with some of the most ethereal visual experiences when it...