One Piece is one of the longest running anime series produced by Toei Animation which...
Disney Plus and Star War’s flagship show The Mandalorian is back with its highly anticipated...
Edens Zero is one of those new manga/anime series which is still struggling to find...
Constantine is a 2005 movie which was adapted from DC’s Hellblazer. The film starred...
Tu Jhooti Mein Makkaar is a new romance-comedy film directed by Luv Ranjan which...
Shazam 2 really is important for Zachary Levi if he wants to continue as...
After the imminent success of Joker in 2019, we’re getting more of Joaquin Phoenix’s...
After 5 years of wait we finally got a Shahrukh Khan film and the...
The Scream franchise is Wes Cravens’ brainchild who sadly has passed away now. The...
Another addition to Sony’s Venomverse or whatever they call it would be Dakota Johnson’s...