Violent Night is a new action comedy film that stars David Harbour as Santa...
Indiana Jones is the brainchild of two of the most revered filmmakers of the...
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is the final film in James Gunn’s GOTG...
Emancipation is the new Will Smith, the first movie after his Oscar incident. The...
The Game Awards is an award event that celebrates gaming each year by awarding...
Naughty Dog developed The Last of Us game and Sony Computer Entertainment published it....
Hey guys, do you remember the Flash movie? Yeah, the one that stars Ezra...
Hunter x Hunter is one of the most popular manga series of all time....
Deadpool was released in 2016 and despite it being R-Rated it was a box...
Donkey Kong introduced Nintendo’s mascot- Mario in July of 1981. After that it got...