DCEU’s upcoming entry, Black Adam, features Dwayne Johnson as the titular supervillain and will...
Wonder Woman is an iconic DC character that first appeared in December 1941. Created...
Edens Zero is one of those new manga/anime series which is still struggling to...
The world of Ice and Fire has returned after a largely disappointing final season...
The Super Mario Bros. Movie is a 2023 animated adventure comedy film produced by Illumination in association with Nintendo,...
God of War: Ragnarok is now just 1 month away folks and the anticipation...
Mario is the mascot of Nintendo that debuted as a character in the game Donkey...
Terrifier 2 is an upcoming horror and slasher film which is also a sequel...
Bones and All is an upcoming romantic drama film that is coming out this...
Weird: The Al Yankovic is an upcoming biopic that is based on the life...