These days, Toei Animation is quite busy with its TV series, and thanks to...
Not Okay is a new 2022 film directed by Quinn Shephard. The film’s premise...
I’m sure we all have heard about PUBG Mobile, it was all the rage...
Aquaman 2 and The Lost Kingdom is the sequel to the 2018 film. Aquaman...
What If..? was the first Marvel Studios animated project as a part of Marvel...
When you have rights to one of the most loved Superheroes of all time,...
With over 6 hours worth of new content, Peaky Blinders released its sixth and...
If you don’t already know, Ms. Marvel is all set to return in The...
Hey Chief, Clash of Clans is about turn ten and the celebrations will begin...
Oppenheimer is Christopher Nolan’s next venture after Tenet (2020). It is Nolan’s 12th film of...