Bollywood is also now on the shared universe track with Rohit Shetty’s Cop Universe...
One Piece is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation which first premiered...
George Miller’s epic dystopian saga, Mad Max is gearing up for a prequel film...
Fans of Game of Thrones have received a free game as a gift from...
It is that time of the year when thousands of games are available at...
God of War: Ragnarok is one of the biggest titles yet to be released...
The Wizarding World is expanding further and owing to that, comes an action role-playing...
Since RDJ’s cameo in 2009’s Hulk, whatever movies we get from Marvel are assumed...
In 2009, James Cameron astounded the world when he came out with his dream...
Thor: Love and Thunder is all set to hit the theatres on 8th July,...