The long promised Captain Marvel 2, now retitled as The Marvels is releasing this...
Loki Season 2 has somehow managed to be the best MCU Disney Plus production...
Carol Denvers is all set to return in The Marvels (Captain Marvel 2) alongside...
Last year at Disney’s D23 Expo, the studio closed day 1’s show by announcing...
Carol Denvers is all set to return in The Marvels (Captain Marvel 2) alongside...
You know a game is famous if someone like me is talking about it....
The Marvels is the sequel to the 2019 MCU blockbuster Captain Marvel. I don’t...
Venom 3 is a follow-up of the 2021 Venom: Let There Be Carnage which...
Carol Denvers is all set to return in The Marvels (Captain Marvel 2) alongside...
It’s been over a decade since the last mainline Shrek movie. However, the franchise has lived...