Jeff Bridges spy thriller, The Old man which is based on the novel of...
Year: 2022
My Hero Academia (Boku No Hero Academia) follows the story of Izuku Midoriya (Deku)...
The COVID-19 pandemic caused some major animated titles, like Trolls World Tour and Turning...
San Diego Comic Con is right around the corner and it seems like Warner...
Greta Gerwig’s Barbie starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Reynolds is all set for a...
The fallout of the 2017’s disaster Justice League was an outcry of the fans...
Sony has long realized their number 1 asset remains the Spider-Man rights they have....
Hugh Jackman donned the role of Wolverine in 2000’s X-Men. While his casting as...
Thor: Love and Thunder social media embargo officially lifted last week and the first...
The year 2023 is anticipated to be a significant one for anime. Along with...