Napoleon is an upcoming historical epic directed and produced by Ridley Scott and written...
Year: 2023
The Mandalorian actor Katee Sackhoff recently commented on the speculation that Pedro Pascal would be...
Netflix’s The Witcher has been successful over the last few years. The most common complaint about...
Doctor Who is a British sci-fi TV show that airs on BBC ever since...
People often argue that Dragon Ball‘s time is over but the franchise almost repeatedly...
The Witcher universe is now officially in damage control mode. Ever since The Witcher Season 2...
Black Mirror is the most popular anthology show not only for Netflix but in...
“When Judy Hopps, a rookie officer in the Zootopia Police Department, sniffs out a...
Update – The Winds of Winter is not finished yet. Fans have been waiting...
Doctor Who: The Star Beast’s first critic reactions are finally here! Doctor Who fans...