American post-apocalyptic horror drama The Walking Dead is based on a comic book series of the...
Year: 2023
In January 2023, Netflix confirmed Cobra Kai had been renewed for Season 6. After...
2023 is undoubtedly a big year for video games and so far it has...
The first three episodes of Ahsoka were certainly not the best but they did...
Just last week got an update on Wednesday Season Two about Percy Hynes White’s...
If you are a gamer it isn’t possible that you haven’t heard of the...
Attack on Titan made its mark on this world years ago. Eren and his...
Max’s sports drama Winning Time Season 2 is officially underway with a huge cast of actors...
Netflix confirmed the release date of The Crown Season 6 and what the viewers can expect....
Whether you are waiting for Emily in Paris Season 4 for Emily or her outfits...