Annapurna Animation is currently focusing on the adaptation of 2022’s hit game Stray. The studio...
Year: 2023
Ahsoka is probably the biggest Star Wars live action project after The Mandalorian Season...
With James Gunn’s exit from the MCU, the fate of the Guardians of the...
In a world overrun by Japanese anime, the reception for animated stuff in general...
It has been over 9 years since the last Grand Theft Auto video game...
Aquaman 2 is the last of the DCEU movies left. After the sequel, James...
Just yesterday we talked about how the Aquaman 2‘s trailer eludes us. According to...
The director of the 2023 box office hit Sound of Freedom has set his next...
What is the number one English speaking show watched on Netflix? Stranger Things? Wrong....
The second official trailer of The Exorcist: Believer is out. This second trailer offers more horror...