March 18, 2025 2:37:09 PM
The Boys Season 3 Episode 8 Queen Maeve vs Homelander 2

The Boys Season 3 Episode 8 released just a few hours ago on streaming service Amazon Prime. Last week’s episode left us in a shock when the Soldier Boy-Homelanader twist was revealed. It somehow managed to match its preceding episode Herogasm which was the best of the series so far. Anyways, we were left hanging on the newly revealed twist and in this finale, Vought, The Boys, The Seven and everyone else deal with the aftermath of all the crazy things that happened during this season. Warning: The article contains massive spoilers for The Boys Season 3 as well as this episode.

Review Marathon – Episode 1,2&3 / Episode 4 / Episode 5 / Episode 6 / Episode 7

Rating – ★★★★

The Boys Season 3 Saved The Mediocre For The Last

You might be wondering why I gave it 4/5, even after believing it was mediocre, right? Well, that’s because the mediocre of The Boys is better than most of the underwhelming stuff we see these days. Now why was it underwhelming? The reason is that they totally spoiled two major characters including Black Noir and Soldier Boy. After all that buildup, Black Noir turned out to be an insignificant character who killed off very easily and disappointingly. Soldier Boy chose to do the right thing by attacking Homelander but that was turned around in an instant as Butcher started attacking him and he went cynical. It all turned out to be lazy writing as out of nowhere everyone turned on Soldier Boy including Homelander, Ryan, Butcher, and rest of the character.

All of a sudden everyone’s priorities changed and they all wanted to take on Soldier Boy and the reason it all happened was very very uncompelling. And among all this only Queen Maeve remembered to take on Homelander, who they all were really out for. It was a stupid excuse to take the spotlight from Homelander and letting him walk out of it once again. I would have enjoyed it much more if Soldier Boy simply joined Homelander and then everything that happened, happened. The action was great but the circumstances that led to it didn’t make sense at all and were forced upon us.

Action and Character Endings Redeem The Finale

Apart from what happened with Soldier Boy and Black Noir, the finale got everything else right. The MVP of this episode was without a doubt Maeve, who finally got what she deserved this season – more screen-time. That aside, she gave Homelander the ass-kicking of his life and made him bleed not once, but twice. In the process she lost her right eye brutally but managed to hold off Homelander throughout the sequence and proved to be a worthy opponent. So, Homelander basically received two action action sequences this season which gave him a run for his money. This season did a very good job of showcasing that he can be taken down and isn’t as unstoppable as he seemed in season 1 and 2.

That aside, the VFX were on point, action sequences were incredible and the performances by the cast as usual, were applause worthy. The character development of everyone else other than Noir and Soldier Boy, turned out to be awesome. Maeve gets her happy ending, The Boys including Starlight are back together, Butcher is dying, Noir is dead, A-Train is redeeming, Deep continues to fall and Soldier Boy is back in the box. That leaves us with 3 more major players for season 4, i.e., Homelander, Ryan, and Victoria Newman. Homelander just killed a protestor in front of everyone but his supporters showed him love anyway, providing him a “do whatever the f** you wanna do” card which he wanted since forever. Ryan’s tantrums have led him to dark path and he seems to be enjoying the violence at the end; man I hate him already! As for Victoria Newman, she is now in line for the VP of USA, and she and Homelander will bring in a new reign of terror in season 4.

Final Verdict – After bringing in back to back extraordinary episodes this season, The Boys ended on a mediocre note owing to abrupt character moments which ultimately leave you unsatisfied yet hyped for what’s to come.

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