March 18, 2025 1:58:25 PM
The Boys Season 3 Who is Homelander's Mother?

This article contains spoilers for The Boys Season 1 to 3, please proceed with caution. The Boys Season 3 was a wild ride. Check out our review of The Boys Season 3. This may be the only season that has given so much more knowledge about these characters. The entire Payback storyline, Butcher’s backstory or the Frenchie- Nina connection. We have a much deeper understanding of this twisted world. One of the most unexpected twists of Season 3 was Homelander’s father. Right from Season 1 we’ve been told how Homelander was raised in a lab by scientists. He has never had parents as he was artificially manufactured rather than being born. While we’ve always suspected that Homelander must be based off some supe’s or person’s DNA we’d never gotten an answer who is it. Until now.

In Season 3 Episode 7- “Here Comes A Candle to Light You To Bed”, Soldier Boy who has been hunting down his ex-teammates gets the information, courtesy of Mindstorm. Before smashing his bits to cinders, Soldier Boy learns that abduction by the Russians was really Vought’s plan led by Black Noir. Why you ask? With the help of Soldier Boy’s sperm Vought had developed a new product that was stronger and had potential to be better product. Although, for that they needed to get rid of the old one. Ergo, the Russian kidnapping ploy. The product they’d made well that was Homelander. Making Soldier Boy his father. He was introduced as Homelander’s kryptonite but now they’re family. However, despite this revelation and the weird phone conversation they shared, both of them end up fighting in the Season Finale.

With Soldier Boy now back in the box, literally it is clear Homelander is no longer seeking his father as the last time he checked he had a near death experience. What about his mother? The Season made it appear that they he was a test tube kid and by that logic he has no mother. However, they said he had no father as well. So you never know.

The Boys – Homelander Had a Real Mother?

So for a moment lets consider that Homelander did have a mother. Given his nearly enormous strength which is arguably greater than Soldier Boy, it makes sense that he’d have an equally strong and invulnerable mother. Sounds like a Supe. Also, she’d be a women who is interested in creating a better Superhero rather than having a child, given the childhood Homelander had. Vought’s complete control over him in contrast to how he plans to raise his own son- Ryan.

His mother clearly didn’t care for him as a person. So who fits this description perfectly? It is someone who y’all and especially Homelander knows quite intimately- Klara Risinger aka Liberty, aka Stormfront. I’ll give you a minute to process that. She often said she doesn’t break easy, she was always interested in creating the master race because of her marriage to Frederick Vought and her Nazi Ideology. In Season 3, Soldier Boy even revealed that him and Liberty founded Herogasm.

Based on his description of her as a “Firecracker” and despite his deep interest in older women, it is not a stretch to assumer they must’ve copulated at least once if not more. She might’ve gotten pregnant with his child after her marriage with Vought Fredrick crapped out and she disappeared or hid her real identity until she was rebranded as Stormfront. Even if she was under the rug she might’ve helped Vought by giving them their most valuable product yet.

Is Stormfront Homelander’s Mother?

It would make sense that Stan Edgar would call his mother to handle her baby boy when he is going off the rails. He didn’t simply call her because she is good at making people angry and angry people want Compound V. There was some funny business going on and his plan almost worked, if Stormfront’s past wasn’t leaked by Starlight, A-Train and Hughie. His plan even has a deep psychological tactic in it. Given Homelander’s past record of mixing his sexual lust with maternal care this was the ideal solution.

Edgar must’ve used his Oedipal Complex against him that was highlighted in the show’s first season. His relationship with Madelyn Stilwell produced some of the most disturbing images of the show. Him being obsessed with her breast milk and milk in general does highlight the maternal void the character has. The world’s most powerful man being jealous of an infant was truly terrifying to witness. Seeing the dark note Season 3 has ended on this reveal in Season 4 would only Homelander off the edge.

If this seems too dark let me remind you that this The Boys we’re talking about. In this world people’s heads pop like balloons, people have sex with doppelgangers of themselves, a guy enters other guy’s penis in his entirety, so on and so forth. So be prepared there might be another dark twist afoot.

What do you think of this theory? Do you think this can be added into the show?

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