Well, it is that time of the year again. 2023 is coming to a close and we can’t say goodbye to a year before recounting all the great things it has given us. Normally, I’d have done just a best and worst films of the year list but I have also decided to do best horror films of 2023. The reason for this decision is simple, all year long I’ve been saying that it has not been a good year for horror movies. Well, the last week has slightly changed my opinion. I’ve come across some genuinely amazing horror films and I want to talk about them. Now, a couple of things before we begin. I have not seen every horror film that came out this year, no one can. So, this list would only feature the best films from what I’d seen all year.
These are not the most technically supreme or perfect films, these are simply my picks or my favorite horror movies that have come out this year. So, if your favorite horror movie doesn’t appear on this list don’t freak out. Another note, franchise films like Saw X and Scream VI won’t make this list. Now that everyone has been cautioned, let’s begin.
5) M3GAN
I think this was the first horror film of the year. Despite being a January release, M3GAN was not a disaster. Blumhouse was not dumping their litter on us. They genuinely had a fun horror movie in store. Now, let me be clear I was not scared while watching this one. In fact, I didn’t even flinch. However, the film was spot on and crisp on its premise and promise. It was funny, innovative and struck open a good conversation of AI’s effects on children. M3GAN was a social media phenomenon and it is a good light hearted horror movie to end your with.
4) The Boogeyman
This is more like the popular horror we’re familiar with. The concept is simple, there is a boogeyman under the bed. I love it. Supernatural horror done right. The film has good scares, atmospheric horror and amazing direction. The visual storytelling of this film is its biggest strength. The Boogeyman is not just about a weird monster, it is a good character based film that is dealing with grief and loss. The metaphorical personification of the demonic entity is done right. It is quite difficult to get popular horror right, unlike what the general public thinks and The Boogeyman does a good job at it.
3) Evil Dead Rise
An Evil Dead film done right, without Sam Raimi. That’s probably the biggest compliment I can give to this film. Once again great atmospheric horror, gore and scares. The film was definitely elevated by Alyssa Sutherland’s performance. I can never forget the line, “Mommy is with the maggots now.” Evil Dead Rise had one of the best opening scenes of the year. You cannot get it wrong if you choose to watch this film. You’ll have an absolute blast.
2) Infinity Pool
Now we’re stirring away from traditional horror. Infinity Pool is in my opinion one of the best films of the year, horror or not. The film truly scares you psychologically, as it doesn’t pretend to talk about deeper subjects in the name of elevated horror. There is a definite story which is full of elements that work well cohesively. We interpret the deeper subjects from the story. It might use familiar concepts but the way Cronenberg has stitched them together in one narrative really makes for a fresh watch. Despite some world building issues, the film is able to keep you hooked where you constantly crave for more from it with each passing second.
After watching the film, it has peeked my interest in Jr. Cronenberg’s filmography. Psychological horror fans or in fact any cinephile would be thrilled to catch a viewing of this crazy, nightmare of a film that will definitely leave you with some uncomfortable thoughts, especially the last scene. It reveals the true character of James and tells us that his sins have been washed away as the rainy season is here. Visual metaphors that are interpreted intuitively not explained. Other filmmakers should learn something.
1) When Evil Lurks
When I make my best films of the year list, this better in at least the top 3. I didn’t know about When Evil Lurks. It was only after I came across some reviewers going crazy over the film. I dismissed it because the last time reviewers went crazy over a horror film we got Talk To Me. Now, people might love that film but I thought it was one of the worst films of the year. You can’t sell me anything in the name of elevated horror. However, thank god that I watched this masterpiece.
There is something about this film that doesn’t let you relax. It takes you on a ride from the very first scene itself. It is very rare that in the initial minutes of a film you feel in your gut that this is going to be amazing. When Evil Lurks deserves all the praise it has gotten and more. It takes the zombie genre to new heights and depths. The communal horror exploration is a masterstroke. There is so much tension constantly. The film is so smart with exposition. I am not squeamish but this film is extremely graphic.
There were genuine moments where I said, “S***just got real”. This picture is sheer madness. I have not loved any horror film more than When Evil Lurks since I watched The Conjuring a few months back. There is so much psychological and implied horror but the director doesn’t waste your time with it, real things keep on happening where you don’t have time to breathe. You don’t even realize and so much has happened. This movie is so depressing and yet I enjoyed it so much. I don’t know I’m just wired wrong. Also, the ending has to be one of the coldest yet. There are many unanswered questions, confusing moments and despite all of it, When Evil Lurks is a cinematic masterpiece that should be watched by one and all.
And that concludes our top 5 horror movies of 2023 list! Do you agree with it? Let us know in the comments.