Hey chief, Clash of Clans is about to celebrate Halloween 2022 and its time to get hyped. Supercell recently celebrated the 10th anniversary of Clash of Clans in August 2022. The Clash of Clans 10th Anniversary celebration ran for the entirety of August and were undoubtedly the best COC celebration yet. It gave players tons of amazing content like new obstacles, statue, the event challenges, arcade machine, pixel scenery and skin set, and what not! Then in September we had Clash Fest which again rewarded fans a lot with its weekly challenges. Currently, hammer jam event is taking place and now it is time for another huge update aka the Halloween Update which will be followed by the coming of TH15!
Clash of Clans Halloween Update
Since 2014, Clash of Clans has always introduced a bunch of really cool content during Halloween and so it will this year. We do not have image leaks for the stuff we are about to tell you today but we assure you that numerous sources have confirm the following information. Before we get to it however, you might be wondering when exactly will the Halloween update pop up.. Well, traditionally, the update pops up between the 2nd and 3rd week of October, and so will it this year. One of the sources has told us to keep an eye on 10th October, however, we aren’t too sure about that. Anyways, here is all we know about this upcoming update!
- Spooky Archer Queen which you can already view if you login today!
- Halloween Obstacle 2022 – While they are termed obstacle, but special obstacle farming showcases how long you’ve been a part of the game. Apart from that, it enhances the appearance of your village, so most players wait for new obstacles. Last year, we got Friendly Flower obstacle and this year the obstacle has been leaked to be the “Coffin” in the image above. The name and the animation is currently unknown.
- We will also be receiving a new paid Halloween Scenery as we have since years. Past few months have been really great for scenery enthusiasts as first we had anniversary, then clash fest and now Clashoween.
- An all new Halloween Challenge will also be added with a guarantee of great loot and rewards. It will be of nearly 4 minutes in length.
- Pumpkin Barbarian troop will be added as well just like most Clash Halloween Celebrations.
- There is a possibility of Battle Ramp or Skeleton Barrel will also be a part of the update.
- Heroes new levels will also be unlocked. The new levels will be, Barbarian King – Level 85, Archer Queen – Level 85, Grand Warden – Level 60, and Royal Champion – Level 35. These level increase usually arrive with a new Town Hall, so this development is rather surprising.
- New level for Heal Spell will also be unlocked and will take it to Level 9.
- Finally, we’ll also be seeing a new Clan Castle level taking it up to level 11 with 50 housing space. Once again this is a bit surprising as CC upgrades also usually arrive with Town Hall upgrades. So, is it possible that TH1 update in closer than all of us think?
Guess we’ll find out whether it is true when the Clash of Clans Halloween update finally rolls out later this month! Till then stay tuned as we’ll be bringing a lot more information the following week. Clash On!