March 5, 2025 11:51:26 PM
Final Fantasy 16 Major Spoilers and Plot Details Leaked

If you are unaware, Final Fantasy XVI is an upcoming action role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix. It is the sixteenth main installment in the Final Fantasy series and is scheduled for release on June 22, 2023 for the PlayStation 5 as a timed exclusive. If you are even a little bit into gaming, there is no way you haven’t heard of the Final Fantasy franchise as it is one of the most popular and longest running game series ever. Final Fantasy 16 is one of the most anticipated games of 2023 and this anticipation gives birth to a lot of leaks and rumors. Some of such major leaks follow below, so from this point on, only proceed if you do not mind MAJOR SPOILERS!

Final Fantasy 16 Major Spoilers and Plot Details

The following Final Fantasy 16 leaks are a courtesy of Reddit especially the r/GamingLeaksAndRumours and r/FFXVI. These leaks are a compilation of the most sensible and seemingly true plot details from the December 2022 and January 2023 leaks. Now obviously, since they leaks, they have a 50-50 chance of being true so do not rely too much on this information. However, some of these leaks have been confirmed by more than one sources, so have a look and leave your thoughts below.

  • FF16 hooded guy is Joshua
  • The big bad in the game is Ultima
  • Barnabas, Benedikta, Cid, Hugo, Dion, Joshua, and in fact all characters die except for Jill, Torgal (Fenrir), and Clive who is technically alive but he and the world end up being pretty messed up.
  • Torgal is basically Fenrir
  • Clive’s mom Anabella betrays Rosaria
  • Charon/Cauron an old shop lady has her huge son Goetz help with the Forge
  • Dion is explicit canon gay and has a BF but doesn’t do much in the game
  • Byron a jovial old rich man with grey beard spends a lot of Gil towards Clive’s cause Barnabas’s ally Sleipnir turns into his horse
  • Intimate scenes involve Benedikta scene with Hugo and Barnabas as well as a scene involving Clive parents. Also, there’s a weird naked scene with Jill and Clive but they have no chemistry don’t get together
  • Ultima are basically God like beings who messed up the land so bad, that they had to go in hibernation and wait for a “Mythos” who’ll collect energy for them to revive their race and create new kingdom for them
  • Barnabas is just a pawn of Ultima
  • Leviathan isn’t mentioned by name, and can be only seen only on a mural. So as such, hedoesn’t appear in game itself. Only the 8 eikons are all there are and Leviathan is being planned for a post launch DLC
  • Ifrit is Clive and Clive just see’s visions of hooded guy (Joshua) for an unexplained reason
  • As per the leaks, story starts off weak, then starts getting interesting mid way and then completely goes off rails concluding with a disappointing end.

That is all we have for now but rest assured, as more information and leaks arrive, you’ll find them here!

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