March 17, 2025 9:00:58 PM
Genshin Impact Faruzan and Scaramouche Full Kit Leaked!

Mihoyo’s Genshin Impact is one of the biggest games in today’s world. It debuted over two year ago and has literally shaken the world of gaming. The game was released for Microsoft Windows, iOS, PlayStation 4 and Android in 2020. In 2021, it found another  home in PlayStation 5 as well. Along with all this, the game is soon to be released on Nintendo Switch. One of the most incredible things about this game is Mihoyo’s commitment towards the game as it constantly comes up with amazing updates and it recently debuted one of its biggest updates in the form of update 3.1. But fans being fans always want more, and today we have for you leaks about two of the upcoming Genshin Impact 3.2 character. Obviously, massive spoilers follow below!

Genshin Impact – Faruzan Full Kit

Faruzan is an upcoming 4 star rarity Genshin Impact character who is a member of Sumeru Akademiya who disappeared at some point in the past. Her current whereabouts are unknown, although Cyno found her but deemed her to be a non-threat and let her go. Faruzan wields an anemo vision and is a bow user, which is quite a unique combo for both a four-star and a female character. As you may know, Genshin and leaks go hand in hand, so today we have some new leaks for you about Faruzan, courtesy of Genshin_Impact_Leaks. So here’s everything we know about Faruzan kit so far:

  • E – somewhat like Sara but does damage on cast and gives 1 charge of “Hurricane Arrow” which lasts for 18 sec
  • Q – does damage on cast and gives DMG% buff for 12.5 seconds. Value of how big buff is will be in MVS
  • A1 – gives -60% charge time. “Hurricane Arrow” will reduce enemy RES by 50% for 6 seconds
  • A4 – mini Shenhe quills effect while burst is active, scales with base ATK(?) but not sure exactly how, once every 2 seconds
  • C1 – using skill will give 2 “Hurricane Arrows” instead of 1
  • C2 – extends(?) burst by 6 seconds
  • C3 – +3 levels to burst
  • C4 – gives energy based on targets hit, 2 per target 10 max. Not sure for who and what hits
  • C5 – +3 levels to skill C6 – burst now gives 50% Crit Damage and fires “Hurricane Arrows” every 4 seconds to refresh A1 RES shred

Genshin Impact – Scaramouche Full Kit

Scaramouche is an upcoming 5 star rarity Genshin Impact character who is the Sixth of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers and one of Genshin Impacts antagonists. There has been a running confusion about his vision as he was believed to be Electro vision character but more recently it has been clarified Scaramouche’s Vision is Anemo. His Delusion, an artificial Vision that empowers characters with dangerous consequences, was likely Electro similar to how Childe is a Hydro character with an Electro Delusion. Anyways, here’s everything we know about Scaramouche kit so far:

  • E – hovers up to 20 seconds. He can attack, use burst and dash around mid air. Also floats over water. Creates ring around player which does damage on cast but doesn’t seem to have other damage instances.
  • Q – deals damage for 5 seconds with 1 second intervals. Doesn’t seem to have absorption
  • A1 – buffs himself based on element absorbed by ring from skill: gives 20% ATK, recovers 20 stamina, * gives 15% Crit Rate, 3-NA/CA hits will generate 0.5 flat energy
  • A4 – when NA/CA hit opponent there’s a 10% chance to spawn a projectile/attack dealing 35% of ATK as damage. If it fails to trigger then chance will increase by 15% C1 – ATK SPD increased by 10%
  • C2 – gives extra damage to burst based on stamina consumed while hovering 1% per up to 50%
  • C3 – +3 levels to skill
  • C4 – related to A1 but no data to point what exactly it does. Might increase the buffs(?)
  • C5 – +3 levels to burst
  • C6 – Normal Attacks deal extra 50% of their damage. Not sure whether it’s buff to current attack or new instance. Recovers 5 stamina, can only happen 5 times(?).

Hope this information was useful to you and as soon as we have more information, we will update this article. You can also check out Dehya Full Kit right here.

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