December 22, 2024
God of War Ragnarok – Playing As Atreus Controls and Gameplay Leaked, Watch Here

Our BOYYY gets to play the game of life on his own now, as us gamers get to play as him in God of War: Ragnarok. The game is now just over a week away folks and the anticipation surrounding the game is at its peak. The past few days have been really exciting for one segment of fans while a total nightmare for the other. There have been a lot of leaks including Thor vs KratosOdin’s first look, Kratos vs Odin etc., and today we have for you another huge leak for the game. Be warned, though, that a few MAJOR spoilers follow below and you should proceed at your own risk.

God of War: Ragnarok Atreus Playable Controls and Kit Revealed

Ever since, God of War: Ragnarok was announced, fans have debated about the fact whether Atreus will be a playable character or not. Well, it seems like he will indeed be playable character now thanks to the new leaks. Although, it is unknown exactly how much time or how many quests Atreus will be playable for but I personally believe that it would be as much as Ciri was in Witcher 3. That is not a lot but just enough to feel fresh once in a while and experience a slightly different combat system within the same game.

As you may know, players did have a slight level of control over Atreus in God of War 2018 and could order him to fire arrows, and summon one runic attack. But that was it and that doesn’t qualify as a playable character but this time it is evident that he will be properly playable. You can see in the image featured above that Atreus has his own UX and combat system. e has his own health bar, and two runic summon slots most probably Light and Heavy runic attacks. We can also see the main sigil charged up about 1/3rd the way. It is possible it might be his rage meter or some new kind of move/power. Watch the leaked gameplay video below:

The leaked God of War: Ragnarok footage begins as we see Kratos struggle with parenting while he talks to Mimir about it. Atreus can be seen hearing the conversation sneakily as he and Sindri decide to find Freya. Although Sindri advices against it Atreus believes in the Freya and starts his quest to find her along with Sindri. In between we see a very funn sequence of Atreus trying to open a chest like Kratos but ends up hurting his hand. Sindri taunts him while Atreus asks him to shut up and goes on to break the chest with his bow. A few minutes later, we see him go up against some enemies revealing his gameplay controls and combat mechanics. So here’s what we could figure out so far about Atreus combat controls for your PlayStation controller:

  • R1 for Light Attacks where Atreus Smashes Enemies With Bow
  • R2 for Heavy Attacks
  • L1 to Block or Parry
  • L2 + R1 for Unlimited Regular Arrows
  • L2 + R2 for Sonic Arrows
  • Hold for CHARGE shots
  • L1 + R1 for Light Runic Summon
  • L1 + R2 for Heavy Runic Summon
  • L3 + R3 for Unknown Special Attack (Spartan Rage?)
  • R3 to finish off Stunned Enemies
  • SQUARE to command Sindri to Attack

So yeah, that is all we know so far about Atreus’ playable moves and you can watch the leaked gameplay video above for yourself and let us know what you think about it. God of War: Ragnarok is all set to hit PS4 and PS5 on November 9, 2022.

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