March 26, 2025 3:39:17 PM
Microsoft Activision

Microsoft’s Activision acquisition might soon be one step closer to becoming a reality. Microsoft shockingly revealed earlier this year that it intended to buy Activision for close to $70 billion. It was shocking news for the gaming industry because it was the most significant game acquisition in history and gave Microsoft ownership of Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, Overwatch, and many other important titles.

Although many people are optimistic about the deal, it was scrutinised. Politicians and other influential people have expressed concern about Microsoft acquiring massive gaming firms left and right. Despite some claims to the contrary, Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett’s company, is placing a significant wager on the acquisition.

Microsoft Reacted To FTC’s Second Request In Activision Deal

The purchase will soon reach a significant milestone. Microsoft has responded to the FTC’s second request for paperwork and information on the Activision purchase, according to a recent report (via SeekingAlpha).

According to Real Mi Central, the US government agency will automatically approve the purchase if it doesn’t require any extra information in the following 30 days. However, this does not imply that Xbox would instantly acquire complete control of the business; UK officials must still conduct their due diligence. However, the FTC is a significant participant in these acquisitions, so if they approve this purchase, it will be good for the industry’s future.

However, all of this is just a conjecture to create a probable timeframe by utilising the current set of regulations. If everything goes according to plan, Microsoft and Activision anticipate finalising the deal by the summer of 2023. If the FTC and other organisations start to approve, it might happen much sooner. The outcome of the situation is still uncertain, but these agencies will have to ensure they get everything required for a deal of this nature, which may take longer than intended.

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