Ever since it was launched in 2016, Pokemon Go’s popularity has only increased, mostly owing to good reasons but sometimes owing to infamous incidents as well. The fact remains, it is one of the most trending games all over the world and thus everyone wants to play it.
Having friends in Pokemon Go can benefit you in the long run. If you and a friend reach a high level together, you will receive increased Pokemon Attack and the ability to earn more Premier Balls. But remember that this is only if you participate in Raids or battles together.
How to add Friends?
Each Trainer has a twelve-digit Friend Code that is unique to them. You can add a Friend in three different ways:
- Friend Code
- QR Code
Connect with as many Trainers as possible, because you never know when a virtual friendship will turn into a real-life friendship. So, here we provide you a platform to share your code in the comments section below and add new people to your friends list. Help us build a community of Pokemon Go players and build on to the collection of codes you’ll find in the comments. Do to forget to add yours, so that other players can find you!
Pokemon Go Raid Mechanics
This section is an abstract about Pokemon Go raid mechanics. You may skip directly to the comments section if you are looking for friend codes.
The dynamics of raids in Pokémon Go have always been a mystery. Silph Road went to the trouble of tossing 6,500 balls at raid bosses and monitoring results. Their experiment unearthed previously unknown facts about concepts, and we’re here to share them with you!
It was discovered that throwing a PokéBall at a raid boss more than once increases the chances of capturing it. What exactly is this variable? It’s still unclear at this point, however, this study clearly shows that there is a certain factor influencing it.
Pokémon Go has the formula to determine whether you catch a particular Pokémon. It involves analyzing the Pokemon type you’re trying to catch, the Pokemon’s CR level, what PokeBall you use, berries, throw circle size, curveball usage, and medal bonuses; and then determining whether you’ll catch it or not.
9685 9974 1224 – will send gifts!
5889 2032 1033
7890 7564 9421
8317 3642 1847
Uhm guys, can we also help each other with Mega Scizzor raids? What d’yall think
? Not many at all play PoGo where I’m from, quite a small town
1166 9181 8008
? Not many at all play PoGo where I’m from, quite a small town
Uhm guys, can we also help each other with Mega Scizzor raids? What d’yall think
0000 7628 8701
Will send gifts :3
TC: 2610 7501 9290 – Daily Player
Friend request sent, here’s mine for others looking. I play a little to much
6383 2229 6041
3859 7537 9821
7699 2292 8524
I log in everyday~
I play every day
0398 6537 3803
Me too!! I always send gifts!!
5856 1126 4902
3015 6625 4681- will send gifts!
Heyy add me
9320 4375 3511
Krissi, Germany
9612 0999 4438
Raids, gifts, trades, active daily. I have a group to do raids with if you need 5 stars
3925 8507 7551
8445 4505 9756
4885 6658 5534
Scambio pacchi regalo e raid
6466 9374 4546
3852 0639 0427
0334 8583 9431
I do a lot of raids ! Online every Day
803663626313 add me please
7699 2292 8524
Desperately in need of friends, no one I know plays the game.
Friend I send gifts daily and send raid invites
6334 0653 5649
1754 7627 0475
8416 5950 3684 new player, looking to add friends! I’ll send gifts daily.
7764 9021 6721 Active dutch member
9262 9043 1565
3656 0080 2248
8284 4556 8464
I will help with raids
Let’s be friends in Pokemon GO! My Trainer Code is 993397507779!
9962 9082 0229
great gifter. 9915 8919 5310 ontario canada!!!
0024 26109381
5699 0653 7362
85659224 1018
Much Appreciated!
5244 5784 9699
4051 7675 1016…im active daily and send gifts… Please invite to mega raids or if u need help with a raid… Even 5s would be great. Feel free to add me.
Newly back into the game add my code for an active player
3357 3353 2660
7365 2522 1661
9399 5114 1545 lvl 50 player is looking for new friends, daily gifts!
my code is 7902 1495 1571! gifts from california
0414 6321 8361 add me i could use some friends
My code is 2689 2160 7865
5218 1694 8709
0778 0052 6164 add me! Daily gift give outs
Let’s be friends in Pokémon GO! My Trainer Code is 706243214409
Need some friends to give my gifts and clear my item bag
9600 2056 5620
I’m pretty religious about sending and opening gifts but my current friends list is basically dead at this point
Hello, I live in France
Add me for a lot of gifts and raids !
0142 2432 8631
Added you!
Hello I am a girl pokemon trainer and i dont have any friend please add me.
9593 4050 5060
Please add me for gift exchange
9593 4050 5060
need some raid buds! add me
6231 2577 3294
Added you!
1376 6420 3046
Daily player from South Texas! Looking to raid and exchange gifts!!! Thank you!
1794 5488 5772
3728 6198 6755 – I send gifts daily!
9635 2170 4008
Hi. My trainer code is – 5812 3586 6140. I send gifts and up for raids.
Hey ima North Carolina Girl (US).. I’m new but dedicated lol moving up quickly but need friends Get&GIVE gifts etc .. the more the merrier
8829 6254 6546 Thanks!
1065 4672 1355
0225 5882 2415
6887 2873 5801
2648 9316 0407
1212 0799 6734
6654 2100 2046
9309 9424 6118
Daily player, just looking for a couple new friends to complete Field Research and exchange gifts! thanks y’all
6825 8256 3732
Just looking to gift for field research 2002 3615 4048
2882 8455 8221
2739 0251 5925
I send gifts daily. Looking for people to invite me to raids pls
I send gifts daily. Looking for people to invite me to raids pls 3592 4214 5745
Let’s be friends in Pokémon GO! My Trainer Code is 4191 5446 4918!
Will send gifts each day for the same in return.
Trainer code is 4042 8608 7177
Dunddd. Very active 6026 7371 1801
6989 1538 6391 adddd
Plzz help me
iam very low level player I have no legendary Pokemon
Me too! Added u just now!
2092 4297 1010
7995 9991 1313
4173 7152 3654
9554 7490 0627
Looking to raid
2604 9966 3323
3319 5129 1324 let’s be friends
3772 0025 0866 Send gifts daily
3366 1761 1142 *best friend ever*
7869 5692 6333
7869 5692 6333
7869 5692 6333 friends
6980 0748 1492 add me! wanting more girl friends that send gifts & will open gifts daily! please don’t add if you aren’t active often & don’t send gifts back lol
2896 7624 6792
0630 7883 0120
im in Desperate need for a dragonair lol i’ll trade something good for it and do daily gifts
are u wanting to trade? I added you
1532 6290 2963 Add me for daily gift exchanges but only add if you are active daily.
1532 6290 2963 Add me for daily gift exchanges but only add if you are active daily.
8468 0559 2121
6076 4600 4917
6076 4600 4917
Im a player from norway and i try to be as aktive as posible and i allways gift back my code is: 8293 3230 7885
Hey, Nawarlo from NC. I literally only have one friend (my sister).
My timer code is 6710 7183 8746.
9554 3260 8482
Hey I added u… ima North Carolina Girl (Morganton).. I’m new but dedicated lol moving up quickly but need friends Get&GIVE gifts etc .. the more the merrier
8829 6254 6546 Thanks!
Added you!
KreskaEska 6670 6107 5778
Virusowy 3130 4304 7552
100000% Częste raidy aktywni caly cza zpraszamy
KreskaEska 6670 6107 5778
Virusowy 3130 4304 7552
Add me if you feel like
Daily gifter from Portugal
3753 0144 0559
5822 4222 8875
4957 5992 1678
1141 2583 5846
6991 6187 2677
active daily and lots of gift to send
I was looking to add friends on pokemon go and found this post, it’s awesome!
Here it is my trainer code: 1094 0205 5409
Will send gifts!
1408 1153 1052 add me will send gifts
6170 7167 2959 add me, i will send gift for special misson
0093 3624 3969 everyday player!
3395 2376 6817 Play daily, actively give out gifts. Add me!
I play everyday 2655 1481 4822
I am 4778 6163 2620 I want raid invites bc ye and get daily gifts bc I play pretty much every day
active player. will send gifts. add me 0666 3903 7999
Был снят фильм Никиты Михалкова «Свой среди чужих, чужой
1906 4287 8200 add me
1374 2759 6657
this is my code:0362-3690-7505
Playing every day! Raids, field research, I’m up for whatever. 0123 2810 6440
7973 5479 3087 I send gift almost daily.
4183 8128 1199
6009 9838 8226 Active daily
3144 0807 7502
5149 8598 0903
4005 7402 9297
7889 2068 3525
Please add
Only players who send AND OPEN gifts almost daily
(If you are not opening my gifts, sorry but I will delete you)
5593 9168 0975
i try and send gifts every day!
Add me
1649 1379 3299
7122 9373 9306 Will send gifts
0358 5828 9497
Add Me please I need friends :((((
6290 2116 1995
7118 7914 9899
9480 7320 1912
219126850284 open and send gifts
3558 5742 2055
I invite to raids (especially to 5 star raids) and send gifts
. My trainer code 6892 2118 5476
4945 0885 8329
4730 3115 5228
1778 5236 1425
Super active and love raids
I have many friends but only maybe 5 or so are active every now and then. I send gifts and I’m active daily ! Don’t hesitate to invite me to raids
9604 6875 1217
004105611087 france, team instinct
Newly back into the game add my code for an active player
3357 3353 2660
5525 6238 3660