Pokemon GO Friend Codes August 2022 – Active Players List

Ever since it was launched in 2016, Pokemon Go’s popularity has only increased, mostly owing to good reasons but sometimes owing to infamous incidents as well. The fact remains, it is one of the most trending games all over the world and thus everyone wants to play it.

Having friends in Pokemon Go can benefit you in the long run. If you and a friend reach a high level together, you will receive increased Pokemon Attack and the ability to earn more Premier Balls. But remember that this is only if you participate in Raids or battles together.

How to add Friends?

Each Trainer has a twelve-digit Friend Code that is unique to them. You can add a Friend in three different ways:

  • Friend Code
  • Facebook
  • QR Code

Connect with as many Trainers as possible, because you never know when a virtual friendship will turn into a real-life friendship. So, here we provide you a platform to share your code in the comments section below and add new people to your friends list. Help us build a community of Pokemon Go players and build on to the collection of codes you’ll find in the comments. Do to forget to add yours, so that other players can find you!


Pokemon Go Raid Mechanics

This section is an abstract about Pokemon Go raid mechanics. You may skip directly to the comments section if you are looking for friend codes.

The dynamics of raids in Pokémon Go have always been a mystery. Silph Road went to the trouble of tossing 6,500 balls at raid bosses and monitoring results. Their experiment unearthed previously unknown facts about concepts, and we’re here to share them with you!

It was discovered that throwing a PokéBall at a raid boss more than once increases the chances of capturing it. What exactly is this variable? It’s still unclear at this point, however, this study clearly shows that there is a certain factor influencing it.

Pokémon Go has the formula to determine whether you catch a particular Pokémon. It involves analyzing the Pokemon type you’re trying to catch, the Pokemon’s CR level, what PokeBall you use, berries, throw circle size, curveball usage, and medal bonuses; and then determining whether you’ll catch it or not.

We are relatively new in the gaming space but will try to bring you timely information. If you have any questions regarding Pokemon Go, feel free to ask in the comments below. For more gaming and cinema related content, like, subscribe and share our articles as we here are trying to build a community of people High on Cinema and Gaming!

164 thoughts on "Pokemon GO Friend Codes February 2023 – Active Players List"

          1. Uhm guys, can we also help each other with Mega Scizzor raids? What d’yall think😅? Not many at all play PoGo where I’m from, quite a small town ☺️

          2. 1166 9181 8008
            Uhm guys, can we also help each other with Mega Scizzor raids? What d’yall think😅? Not many at all play PoGo where I’m from, quite a small town ☺️

    1. Friend request sent, here’s mine for others looking. I play a little to much

      6383 2229 6041

    2. Raids, gifts, trades, active daily. I have a group to do raids with if you need 5 stars

      3925 8507 7551

    1. 4051 7675 1016…im active daily and send gifts… Please invite to mega raids or if u need help with a raid… Even 5s would be great. Feel free to add me.

  1. Let’s be friends in Pokémon GO! My Trainer Code is 706243214409

    Need some friends to give my gifts and clear my item bag 🙂

  2. 9600 2056 5620

    I’m pretty religious about sending and opening gifts but my current friends list is basically dead at this point

  3. Hello I am a girl pokemon trainer and i dont have any friend please add me.

    9593 4050 5060

  4. 1376 6420 3046

    Daily player from South Texas! Looking to raid and exchange gifts!!! Thank you!

    1. Hey ima North Carolina Girl (US).. I’m new but dedicated lol moving up quickly but need friends Get&GIVE gifts etc .. the more the merrier
      8829 6254 6546 Thanks!

  5. 9309 9424 6118

    Daily player, just looking for a couple new friends to complete Field Research and exchange gifts! thanks y’all 💛

  6. 6980 0748 1492 add me! wanting more girl friends that send gifts & will open gifts daily! please don’t add if you aren’t active often & don’t send gifts back lol

  7. 0630 7883 0120
    im in Desperate need for a dragonair lol i’ll trade something good for it and do daily gifts 🙂

  8. 1532 6290 2963 Add me for daily gift exchanges but only add if you are active daily.

  9. 1532 6290 2963 Add me for daily gift exchanges but only add if you are active daily.

  10. Im a player from norway and i try to be as aktive as posible and i allways gift back my code is: 8293 3230 7885

  11. Hey, Nawarlo from NC. I literally only have one friend (my sister).
    My timer code is 6710 7183 8746.

  12. Hey I added u… ima North Carolina Girl (Morganton).. I’m new but dedicated lol moving up quickly but need friends Get&GIVE gifts etc .. the more the merrier
    8829 6254 6546 Thanks!

  13. KreskaEska 6670 6107 5778
    Virusowy 3130 4304 7552

    100000% Częste raidy aktywni caly cza zpraszamy

  14. I was looking to add friends on pokemon go and found this post, it’s awesome!
    Here it is my trainer code: 1094 0205 5409
    Will send gifts!

  15. I am 4778 6163 2620 I want raid invites bc ye and get daily gifts bc I play pretty much every day

  16. Playing every day! Raids, field research, I’m up for whatever. 0123 2810 6440

  17. 137264042029
    Only players who send AND OPEN gifts almost daily
    (If you are not opening my gifts, sorry but I will delete you)

  18. I have many friends but only maybe 5 or so are active every now and then. I send gifts and I’m active daily ! Don’t hesitate to invite me to raids 😉 9604 6875 1217

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