Resident Evil is one of the most popular survival horror gaming series out there. If you are at all into gaming or cinema, there’s no way you haven’t have at least heard about Resident Evil. The first 4 games of the series came back during the PS and PS 2 era, so after releasing Resident Evil 7, Capcom decided to remake the classics. Resident Evil 2 Remake came back in 2019 and RE 3 Remake came followed the very next year. Now that COVID is gone and console market has once again seen a rise, Resident Evil 4 Remake is all set to hit PS4, PS5, PC, and Xbox Series X/S on March 24, 2023. As it happens, we have an awesome update for the fans and hardcore gamers!
Resident Evil 4 Remake Achievements and Trophies Leaked
This article is about something completionist gamers look forward towards – Getting all those PS/Steam Trophies. Trophies are not only a good way to boast of your skills to other gamers, but also help you cover each and every important aspect of the game. So, just like any other modern game, Resident Evil 4 Remake has its own set of trophies/achievements. It has a total of 38 Trophies and the following list is from the recent streamer who has been uploading to TikTok. The PlayStation trophies will differ only in the categories as they’ll be divided into Gold, Silver, and Bronze. But aside from that, the trophies will remain the same. Following is a list of all Resident Evil 4 Trophies WITH A FEW MINOR SPOILERS, so proceed at your own risk.
- Obtain All Trophies
- Parry and Enemy With The Knife
- Upgrade a Weapon
- Get the exclusive Upgrade for a weapon
- Rescue Ashley While She’s Being Carried away by an enemy
- Destroy A Clockwork Castellan
- Defeat Del Lago
- Defeat Bitores Mendes
- Defeat the Verdugo
- Defeat Ramon Salazar
- Defeat Jack Krauser
- Defeat Osmund Saddler
- Defeat 3 Enemies with One Flashbang Grenade
- Defeat a Garrador Using Only Knives
- Kill 2 Parasites Inside A Regenerator With One Bullet
- Throw a Grenade Into Ramon Salazar’s Mouth
- Use A Cannon To Defeat A Zealot
- Make It Through Both Minecart Sections In The Underground Tunnel Without Taking Damage
- Reach the Top Of The Clock Tower Without The Lift Stopping Once
- Escape On The Water Scooter Without Taking Damage
- Sell A Single Treasure For At Least 1,000,000 Ptas
- Obtain All Treasures included on the village treasure map in one playthrough
- Obtain All Treasures included on the castle treasure map in one playthrough
- Obtain All Treasures included on the island treasure map in one playthrough
- Obtain All Weapons
- Destroy all ClockWork Castellan’s
- Complete the main story on Standard Mode Or Higher
- Complete the main story on Standard Mode with an S+ Rank
- Complete the main story on Hardcore Mode Or Higher
- Complete the main story on Hardcore Mode with an S+ Rank
- Complete the main story on Professional Mode
- Complete the main story within 8 Hours
- Complete the main story Without using a recovery Item
- Complete the main story Without using only knives and handguns
- Complete the main story Without talking to the merchant once
- Complete a game at the shooting range
- Complete an S rank in all games at the shooting range
- Shoot through and destroy 5 targets at the shooting range with one shot
It seems like we’ll have to complete every aspect of the game and achieve 100% completion for Platinum trophy. So, get ready for the grind as it seems a bit challenging. A tiresome thing about this list, however, is that it looks like we’ll have to play the game on different difficulties including standars, Hardcore and Professional mode to achieve Platinum. That aside, there is also a trophy where you have to quickly wrap the main story within 8 hours. So it seems like you’ll have to devote a lot of time and repetitive effort to get them all!
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