March 17, 2025 8:46:15 AM
Jurassic World 3 Dominion Reviews and Reactions Roundup Bad or Good

Nearly three decades, five films and four directors later, the Jurassic franchise is all set to conclude with Jurassic World: Dominion. Though only two of these movies have been critically acclaimed, fans have enjoyed all the films in the saga. That is mainly because of its consistently mind-boggling graphics and massive world building. For the most part Jurassic Park and Jurassic World have steered clear of each other but in this film, everything comes together!

The original trio of the Jurassic Park is all set to join the Chris Pratt starrer. Jeff Goldblum’s Dr. Ian Malcolm already appeared in a cameo in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom giving that whole speech about dinosaurs in the end. So, the world of dinosaurs is nearing an epic conclusion but how good is it? Well, that is why we have prepared this review roundup for you guys which includes Twitter reviews and critic reviews via RT.

Jurassic World 3 Audience Reviews and Reactions

If mixed reviews had a face, it would be Jurassic World: Dominion. Such extreme good or bad reviews are a rare sight to behold as one side is calling it the epic and best Jurassic movie, while other is calling it a massive disappointment. One user went as far as to symbolize it with Dinosaur crap scene from the first movie. On the other hand, one user called it their favorite. Here, have a look at this mixed bag of reactions.

Jurassic World: Dominion Critic Reviews Roundup

As for the critic reviews it currently stands on 89% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes which basically contradicts the user reviews. Anyways, this score is sure to fall down as more critics add their scores and so far very few top critics have reviewed the film. Here’s a compilation of critic reviews for Jurassic World: Dominion as its embargo has lifted today on June 7, 2022.

“Trevorrow bridges the old and the new with “Dominion,”… It also interjects humor, pathos and action as it addresses our contentious times.”

San Jose Mercury News

“In the end, it is what it is. If you want dinosaurs, chases and familiar faces, Jurassic World Dominion delivers. If you want some spice, blood and surprise, you’ll have to look somewhere else.”

Screen Anarchy

“A film that uses the old legends of the franchise to give an emotionally hard hit to its new characters.”

La Nacion (Costa Rica)

“While not Jurassic Park III levels of bad, Dominion concludes not so much with a triumphant roar as the exhausted whimper of a child ready to go home.”

South China Morning Post

“The end of an era…full of nostalgia, and above all else, faithful to the cemented ideas of its predecessors.”

Cine Premiere

The reviews from top critics and most popular media outlets are yet to arrive as the Red Carpet Premiere took place just a few hours ago. We’ll add more top reviews as soon as they get posted.

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