September 21, 2024
Top Gun 3 Is there going to be Another Top Gun Sequel

When it released back in 1986, Top Gun wasn’t a critical hit and even today its ratings aren’t great. But Top Gun is one of the prime examples of a film ageing well as today it has a cult following. Not just that, it is adored by fans all over the world and hailed as one of the best Hollywood action films of all time. So, it was expected that when the franchise returns wit Top Gun: Maverick nearly 36 years later, it would be an instant blockbuster. And oh my god, what a incredible experience it was! Top Gun: Maverick is one of the best films I’ve seen so far in theatres. Anyways, now that it is here, fans can’t stop but think about another potential sequel, so here’s what we know so far about possibility of a Top Gun 3.

Is there going to be a Top Gun 3?

Top Gun: Maverick came 36 years after the original and within this time span, the kids who watched it then today have kids of their own, hell even grandkids. So, it was a huge gap but now that the technology is readily available, is there a chance of Top Gun 3? And if yes, would it as much as it took to make Top Gun 2? Well, first of all, in today’s cinematic world literally anything is possible. A simple fact is that the currently running franchises don’t die and the ones which died before are being resurrected. Franchises like Terminator, Indiana Jones, Jurassic and Star Wars never die, and others like The Godfather or Gladiator are coming back in some way or the other, be it in TV series form, prequels or reboot.

So, obviously there is a chance that we’ll see Top Gun 3. Although, Paramount hasn’t directly addressed whether or not the franchise would come up with a trilogy, we believe we haven’t seen the last of Top Gun. Now the question is when would be see it? Since, these day technology is superior and filming licenses are granted much easier than before, we can very well see a Top Gun 3 within the next 5 years. But the biggest question is that do we really need it?

Here’s where you and I might differ, as I believe that we do not need a 3rd film. Top Gun: Maverick ended on a high, and is debatably the best action flick of the a decade or so. Therefore, there is really no need to bring it back unnecessarily and slowly kill everything good about it, as is the case with long running franchises. In 1990 in an interview with Playboy, Cruise stated, “A lot of kids loved it. But I want the kids to know that that’s not the way war is—that Top Gun was just an amusement park ride, a fun film with a PG-13 rating that was not supposed to be reality. That’s why I didn’t go on and make Top Gun II and III and IV and V. That would have been irresponsible.”

But evidently, this didn’t last as they made a sequel anyways and thank god, it was awesome. Now it is a fact that Top Gun: Maverick is doing really great at the box office and exceptionally well critically. It has maintained a 97% score on RT since its first screening and is being adored by fans and critics alike. I myself was wooed by this goosebumps inducing, emotional yet action packed mammoth of a film. So, what’s to stop Paramount from producing a Top Gun 3? That’s right, nothing! Plus they have introduced tons of new characters and showcased magnificent usage of modern filming technologies. Therefore, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a 3rd film as well. What do you think? Do you agree with the idea of a Top Gun 3?

If you have any questions regarding Top Gun, feel free to ask in the comments below and stay tuned. As usual, like, subscribe and share our articles as we here are trying to build a community of people High on Cinema!

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