Better Call Saul Season 6 Kim Wexler Gene Saul Goodman

First of all, SPOILER ALERT is now in effect. BCS has been on a roll and delivered back to back incredible and twisted episodes and this episode also joins that long list. Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 11, brought forth the long awaited cameos of Walter White and Jesse Pinkman. Their were so much anticipated and hyped that honestly, they failed to deliver. It was the rest of the things going on in the episode, which make the episode incredible but the cameo alone fell a bit short. One of these things was Gene aka future Saul’s interaction with Kim Wexler in a telephone booth. But what exactly did he say to her?

Here Is What Gene Said to Kim Wexler in Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 11

Towards the beginning of the episode, Gene contacted Francesca, who gave him updates about everything going on. Among all that, she mentioned that Kim contacted after the events of Breaking Bad and asked about Gene/Saul/Jimmy. Upon hearing this, he decided to call Kim Wexler and was seen yelling and later slamming and destroying the telephone booth. Now as per sources, the inaudible conversation in the phone booth is actually pretty audible in the German dub and here is what happened.

German: “Du hast keine Ahnung was ich getan, oder nicht getan habe, okay? Wieso stellst DU dich nicht, auf mich musst du keine Rücksicht nehmen, ich kann nur EINMAL gehängt werden. Okay, hör zu, Kim, wieso reden wir überhaupt darüber. Wir beide sind zu clever…”

English translation: (The beginning is inaudible…but it’s mid-sentence and he is already upset about what Kim must have said): “(…) you have no idea what I did or didn’t do, okay? Why don’t YOU turn yourself in, you don’t have to be considerate of me, I can only be hanged ONCE. Okay, look, Kim, why are we even talking about this. We’re both too smart…“

This confirms he was indeed talking to Kim and Kim must have asked him to turn himself in, which led him to react quite angrily. So, it seems like Saul and Kim might not get the happy ending fans are looking for them but it does hint at Kim’s return. I just hope Gene aka future Saul doesn’t mess it up big time for the both of them and end up dying or getting Kim killed. Anyways, with just two episodes left to go, we will soon find out what destiny holds in store for our beloved protagonists. To read the full review for Episode 11 or about the Walt – Jesse cameo, click here.

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