March 17, 2025 9:00:47 PM
Blue Lock Manga Chapter 243 Full Plot Summary, Leaks and Spoilers + Raw Scans

Blue Lock is one of the top selling manga series in the world right now and sold over 1.2 Million copies in February (#1 Rank). It is written by Muneyuki Kaneshiro, illustrated by Yusuke Nomura, and revolved around, Ego Jinpachi who is hired by the Japanese Football Union to lead the team to victory in FIFA WC.. His master plan to lead Japan to stardom is Blue Lock, a training regimen designed to create the world’s greatest egotist striker. As it happens, its anime television series adaptation produced by Eight Bit premiered in October 2022 and that led to a huge boost in its popularity. It has dethroned Slam Dunk as best selling sports manga since December 2022, as well as every other manga in the world. As it happens, Blue Lock Chapter 238 is all set to debut soon and that is exactly what this article is about.

Blue Lock Chapter 243 Spoilers and Full Plot Summary

Obviously, massive spoilers (courtesy of @RayugaX101) for Blue Lock Chapter 243 titled “The Magician and the Blue Rose Part 2 follow below, so read at your own risk. Also, check out all the raw scans by clicking this link.

From the last chapter, Ness is on the ground and Kaiser asked him.. KAISER: Do you believe in the impossible? NESS: Huh? KAISER: Just now, you believe you can’t win, right? That’s a curse, you f*cking wimp. NESS: Huh… KAISER: The moment you believe it’s impossible, humans are designed to learn ‘giving up’. It’s a survival instinct to prevent your heart from getting hurt. But that’s the act of the weak. Killing yourself with the ‘curse’ of impossibility… I hate those damn weak humans who just dilute their ego and survive. Sure, the enemy team is excellent, but I don’t think it’s a real strong man’s play… just an extension of a good student’s play for evaluation… But you’re different. That dribble just now… The timing of the pass… You were imagining a level above… You just didn’t have a partner to execute it…

NESS: Huh KAISER: With me, your wish is not ‘impossible’. Stand up. Let’s do it, f*cking wimp. Kaiser reaches out his hand to Ness. Ness holds Kaiser’s hand. NESS: Ah… KAISER: Your answer? NESS: Yes. The game resumes. NESS *MONO*: I wanted to believe in this person. I would rather give my imagination! My magic! than end up like this! Ness has the ball and decides to pass to Kaiser but he’s marked by many players. NESS: This timing… Here! There he is! I now have a much wider range of playing options! But… his (shooting) course is blocked quickly? He can’t shoot like that. But Kaiser still shoots for the goal.

KAISER: F*cking airhole (-guess it means his course is too narrow) NESS: What… was that shot just now? A kick with a terrifyingly fast swing? KAISER: Let’s go, you wimp. Next. NESS: Yes! The game continued and ended with a 3-2 win. NESS *MONO*: And we met by crushing the ‘impossible’. SOME MAN: Michael Kaiser and Alexis Ness, you two are hereby declared the successful candidates for this tryouts. Their daily life in BM continues: In the cafeteria… NESS: Huh? You don’t drink milk? KAISER: I hate it. I have a physiological fucking aversion to white drinks. On the field… COACH: Hey, why are you late!? KAISER: Ness… is a f*cking oversleeper… NESS: HAH!? NESS *MONO*: Even though he just woke up!

His bed hair! In the shower: KAISER: Hey, I can’t see, turn on the shower NESS:: Because you’re making it all foamy, right! While Ness is cutting Kaiser’s hair… KAISER: Hey, Ness. I was originally a weak-hearted person. NESS: Huh? KAISER: I’ve been living a life of losing to the ‘impossible’. So, to never go back to that past, I got this blue rose tattoo as a reminder. NESS: I see… KAISER: In the language of flowers, it means ‘impossible’, ‘nonexistent’, this artificially created blue color is an ‘impossible existence’ in nature… I thought of this flower as making the impossible possible. It’s a symbol of rebellion against God. I want to be an ‘impossible being’ in this world.

NESS: That’s nice. NESS *MONO*: I was happy to feel that Kaiser had opened up to me. KAISER: I want to win the Champions League and the World Cup, and I want to…. plunge all the world’s soccer players into the depths of despair. NESS: Haha, that dream is so like you, Kaiser. Ness finished Kaiser’s haircut. NESS: How about this? KAISER: Whatever works. I just wanted to cut it because it’s annoying. More importantly, is it dyed properly? NESS: Yes. It’s a beautiful blue. NESS *MONO*: And before I knew it, this person’s dream became my dream, and I still believe in magic. Back to Blue Lock’s dorm… Ness found Kaiser looking like he’s choking, coughing up blood. Kaiser choked himself, the worried Ness thought.. KAISER: Hey, Ness. I saw it… It hit me… I’m going to bring Yoichi to the brink of despair. A new f*cking weapon to turn around this hopeless situation! “This despair (ego) will devour everything! To crush his nemesis, Yoichi, the emperor, Kaiser, a signal to counterattack is underway!” To be continued in the next chapter, PXG”.

BL Chapter 243 Release Date and Time

Blue Lock Chapter 243 is scheduled to launch on Wednesday, 6th December 2023 at 12:00 AM JST. As Blue Lock is printed in Kodansha’s Weekly Shonen Magazine, a brand new chapter comes out each Tuesday/Wednesday. Obviously, the date and time of this manga will change from nation to nation because of the totally different worldwide time zones and we have compiled a list of few of them below:

  • Pacific Time: 9 AM
  • Central Time: 11 AM
  • Eastern Time: Midday
  • British Time: 5 PM

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