March 18, 2025 5:16:27 AM
Thor Love and Thunder - Taika Waititi Talks About Thor 5!

We’re well into July and we’ve only gotten two Marvel movies so far-  Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and Thor: Love and Thunder. Check out our review of both. Both films if I may put it down lightly were underwhelming but for different reasons. Multiverse of Madness was failed by its marketing department and the overhype around it. As a film it was perfectly alright. While Thor: Love & Thunder, the director tried to replicate the Ragnarok magic in a story that didn’t support it. The film suffered from conflicting tones, weak screenplay and over all lack of flair. So it was a bummer for fans that Thor’s story might end on such a note. He may appear in other films but not get an another solo film. Seeing the previous Thor that are considered to be the bottom barrel of the MCU, except for Raganrok.

It seems like Thor movies will always be mediocre. Thor (2011) is deemed 77% fresh by Rotten Tomatoes and has an IMDb rating of 7/10. Thor: The Dark World is deemed 66% fresh by Rotten Tomatoes and it has an IMDb score of 6.8/10. Thor: Ragnarok is 93% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes and has an IMDb score of 7.9/10. Love & Thunder is 67% fresh and 7/10 on IMDb. So you get it, the newest Thor film is almost the worst Thor film. Although, it doesn’t have to the last. At the end of Thor: Love and Thunder we saw “Thor will return” so does that mean Thor 5 is in the works? Let’s see what Taika Waititi has to say about it.

Will there be a Thor 5?

The actor-director while recently talking to Insider that even he was shocked after seeing the note after at the end regarding Thor’s return. That means the chances of a Thor 5 looks bleak. However the Lightyear star was pretty optimistic about it after that although he did pose one condition and believe it or not it was very similar to what Chris Hemsworth said last month.

“That was a surprise to me, too. I’m not joking, I saw it in the theater and I was like, ‘Oh, sh*t. Really?’ Even Chris was like, ‘What?’ But, of course he’ll be back. He’s the best character. I mean, I may be a little biased, but he’s the most fun to watch.” He further continued the discussion with,

“Now, I don’t know what would be next. I would definitely do one, but only if Chris did it. But it would need to be something surprising and unexpected for me to want to do it. Like what would be the new take? The battles and all the fighting is fine, but I would want something that feels unexpected when it comes to the story. Like making just a $5 million movie with no fighting at all, just Thor on a road trip. Like [Alexander Payne’s 2013 film] Nebraska.”

Chris Hemsworth on Thor: Love and Thunder Sequel

We all know Chris Hemsworth take on the matter the Spiderhead star revealed that he’d do another solo entry of Thor only Waititi directs it. So the feelings seem mutual. Although, in a crossover event he’d reprise his role as Thor and his statement for it was hilarious but he did give a reason for why he’d thought of exiting as Thor. The Australian actor said,

“Each time, if the opportunity comes up and presents itself, I’m just open to whatever creative exploration can happen, thanks to different writers and directors and so on, but I love playing the character, I really do. It always comes down to: ‘Is this script different to the last one? Are we repeating something?’ And when it becomes too familiar, I think that’s when I’d have to say, ‘Yeah, no …’ I’d like to exit before people tell me to exit.”

While it seems like Hemsworth and Waititi both want each another in another Thor venture, fans might be upto something else. Many fans have posted online their expectations from Thor 5 including who should direct it. One fan wrote, “I liked Love and Thunder, and hell I loved Ragnarok, but I don’t want Taika to direct Thor 5”. Another user wrote, “I want the Russo Brothers to direct #Thor 5 bcz his best version was in Infinity War, and they should adopt the same style!”

There are a group of fans who wish Zack Snyder should take over the reigns for Thor 5 and they seem pretty committed to it. I mean they’re not wrong. Snyder directing Thor would pretty fresh and he can adapt one of the dark chapters from the comics. We’ve seen Waititi’s dry humor maybe Snyder’s ominous world building may help. Here are some memes from the fans.

As we know there is no official word on the matter yet. From Marvel or anyone. It has to be seen when Marvel announces Thor 5 and will Waititi return to direct it. Thor: Love & Thunder is performing great at the Box Office with $302 Million in its opening weekend throughout the world.

Let me know who you want to direct Thor 5?

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