Spider-Man: No Way Home is the biggest box office hit of the past 2 years and is being adored by the fans and critics alike. That aside, it has been described as one of the best theatre experience in years by a lot of viewers. MCU movies have always been hype-worthy and exciting due to incredible world building and extravagance they boast.
Tom Holland Supports The Amazing Spider-man 3
Ever since No Way Home released and Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire appeared, fans have been trending #MakeTASM3 on every social media platform. Spidey Fans have always wanted to see the conclusion of Garfield’s Spiderman with a 3rd film. Unfortunately, that hasn’t happened yet but with the opening of multiverse, now anything seems possible in the Marvel Universe.
Tom Holland has recently stated how he enjoyed the screening of the film and fan reactions to No Way Home. He stated that he as well as fans totally loved Garfield’s Spiderman in the film. Holland went on to say that he will completely support Sony, Marvel, and of course Andrew if they decide to make The Amazing Spider-man 3. Have a look at the video in the tweet below.
Even Tom Holland want #MakeTASM3
— #MakeTasm3 (@BringBackAndrew) February 3, 2022
Spidey Fans Go Nuts Once Again
There is no Marvel without fans, there is no DC without fans, and similarly there is Spider-man without fans. Fans are such an important part of any brand in the world, that can literally make or break stuff. We saw how the repeated efforts of DC fans brought Zack Snyder’s Justice League to life. Similarly, #RenewDaredevil campaign pushed Marvel to bring back the favorite Netflix character. So, this can happen too! Following is a collection of fan’s unstoppable efforts on Twitter.
Sony pic.twitter.com/id7CxiMQaD
— Talia (@Talia55334743) January 24, 2022
Make it possible #MakeTASM3 pic.twitter.com/dbfq0DiArb
— Daily TASM
(@TASMdaily) February 1, 2022
save this smile
#MakeTASM3 #TASM3 pic.twitter.com/2XOIu5fGLR
(@Ibrsyed285) January 31, 2022
Dear Sony #MakeTASM3.#AndrewGarfield #SpiderManNoWayHome #SpiderMan #PeterParker pic.twitter.com/C5HOXQHbcb
— RPK (@RPK_NEWS11) January 30, 2022
No one can deter the spirit of these fans and so, its just best to listen to them cause one day you will have to give in. It remains to be seen what happens but it all seems quite positive and doable. All the best fans!
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