October 6, 2024
Marvel's The Marvels

The Marvels failed to make the impact one would expect from the studio. Though the lack of good promotion due to the actors’ strike would be a good excuse, it’s not like the Marvel fans didn’t know it was coming. Superhero films thrive on repeat customers, so it’s pretty clear the film was a disaster. Moreover, MCU’s brand reputation is no longer as invincible as it once was. The real reasons why the film didn’t do well are within the movie itself. Here are five reasons why The Marvels failed.

Brie Larson’s Performance

Though, Brie Larson is an Oscar-winning actress, her performance in The Marvels is underwhelming. Is it the direction? Or, the writing? Her talent fails to convince viewers that she is a character with profound depth. The movie may not be called Captain Marvel 2, however, Larson was the main focus of the film more than anyone else’s. If Larson’s character had more layers, The Marvels could have been better.

Terrible Villain of The Marvels

A great superhero film needs a big villain who is worthy of that opposition, and someone who is compelling in their right. Zawe Ashton’s Dar-Benn is none of those things – her character was simply boring. This could also go under the script’s many issues, however, Dar-Benn’s entire evil plan is a lift from Spaceballs.


The humor present in The Marvels kills the base of the film. The musical interlude on Aladna features Carol going full Disney Princess mode and singing awkwardly alongside the prince. These kinds of flippant scenes make it impossible to take the movie’s primary threat seriously when the characters seem like they couldn’t care less.

The Marvels Has An Awful Script

Several Marvel movies have scripting issues. However, The Marvels feels like it was filmed from the first draft of the script which needed several revisions. In the beginning, the conflict between Carol and Monica felt unbelievable and compelled, as did the quick reconciliation. At the beginning of the movie, the three core characters witness the loss of thousands, but they are soon having a bonding celebration like that doesn’t even matter.

The Marvels Lacks Real Consequence

Late in the film, it’s suggested that Carol can reignite the sun of a dying planet. And, even though that’s exactly what she does, it happens without any urgency or drama. The way she does it makes it hard for the viewers to believe that she is ever in peril, and it makes her seem nothing like a superhero. It’s worth noting that the Kree won in this film. They stole a planet’s ocean and another planet’s atmosphere, and now they get a revitalized sun due to Carol’s guilt. The fact that the Kree brought their destiny upon themselves, was never even addressed and they didn’t suffer any consequences. And, it’s yet another reason why the film feels utterly empty.

The Marvels is now in theatres. And, looking at the box office, it’ll be on Disney+ soon.

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