December 22, 2024
Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania New Trailer Leaked Description + Release Time

Ant Man 3 or Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is an upcoming MCU Phase 5 film based featuring the characters Scott Lang / Ant-Man, Hope Van Dyne / Wasp, Hank Pym and Janet. The film will be directed by Peyton Reed is will be the 31st film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the very first film in Phase 5. It is currently in its post-production phase, and will be the first Marvel film to debut in 2023. Quantumania will proceed the story of Kang the Conqueror who was introduced in Disney Plus’ Loki and set up the next big saga of MCU aka The Multiverse Saga and Secret Wars. Now that the film is barely a month away, the marketing efforts are now at peak and thanks to that we are all se to receive a brand new trailer for the film.

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania New Trailer Description Leaked

After many leaks and speculations, the first trailer for Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania debuted last year towards the end of October. Now, a new trailer is now on the way and will be released after the 3rd quarter of Monday night’s National Championship Game on ESPN. The third quarter is likely to start around 9:30 pm ET and end at roughly 10:15 pm ET. So, the trailer will debut tonight, aka 9th Jan, 2023, minutes or seconds after 10:15 PM ET. As it happens the trailer description has been leaked already and here is how the trailer goes!

The trailer opens with overhead b-roll shot of San Fan. Scott is walking down the street. We hear Kang speak, “You’re an interesting man… Scott Lang.” Hope gets out of vehicle in a gown. Then she and Scott are walking down the red carpet at an awards ceremony. Kang conitnues, “You’re an Avenger…”. Scott activates his suit/helmet in the Quantum Realm and lands on something. Kang continues, “You have a daughter…” Scott holds up a picture of young Cassie. Teenage Cassie is released from a jail cell.

Kang continues, “But you’ve lost a lot of time, like me.” Scott looks concerned with Hank, Janet, and Hope behind him. Cassie turns on the Quantum machine she created; machine activates with glowing blue light; Janet and Hope look terrified. Kang end the monologue, “We could help each other with that.” Machine sucks everyone in. Scott is holding onto Cassie but she slips and falls in. He lets go and falls in with her. Cut to black. Shot of Kang’s boots slowly approaching. Scott finally replies, “Who are you?” Scott looks concerned. and Kang replies, “I’m the man who can give you the one thing you want…” Kang’s blue mask deactivates (once again revealing he’s not blue, it’s his mask/helmet); his eyes are glowing blue in this scene but strangely not in the rest.

Scott ask, “What’s that?” Kang looks at Scott without the mask/helmet on, and his eyes have returned to dark brown, “Time”. “Marvel Studios” Main Title logo rolls. Overhead shot of Chronopolis in motion. Kang walking out onto a platform with an orange portal above him.

We hear Janet say, “He can re-write existence …and shatter timelines.” In between we see a shots of Chronopolis with it’s large rings rising over it. Janet looks on in darkness with a concern. Kang looks up. Scott splits into two Ant-Mans. They look at each other in shock. Janet speaks to Scott & Hope, “You cannot trust him”. Scott walks out onto a platform followed by Kang. Cassie is behind Kang with 2 soldiers wearing similar blue helmets. MODOK (without the gold mask, revealing he is in fact a very large human head) is behind them, played by Corey Stoll. They look out on what looks like a damaged section of the Quantum Realm. Scott says, “I don’t care who this guy is. I just lost so much.”

We see a shot of young Cassie running to Scott shouting “daddy!” Shot of Cassie embracing Scott. Scott looks to be comforting her. Scott continues, “He can give us a second chance.” Scott diving into some part of the Quantum Realm (might be the damaged looking section from previous scene), shrinking down even further as he approaches another orange portal. “ON FEBRUARY 17”, a shot of some creature flying over water with Janet holding the reins, riding it with Hank and Hope. The creature dives over the edge of a cliff. Kang says, “Let me make this easy for you.”

Shot of large gold ring structure spinning above. This structure is illuminated and has glyphs on it that resemble the glyphs from the Eternals’ ship, Shang-Chi’s Ten Rings, Kamala’s “negaband,” and the ones behind Wanda in the Darkhold Temple! Beneath the structure, there are thousands of Ant-Mans forming a column, seemingly pushing one of them up towards the structure. We then see Scott stands at the top of them, aiming his arm towards it like he’s going to shoot it with Pym particles or something.

“You will bring me what I need…” Cassie stands in front of a orange/blur portal looking in. “…or everything you call “life” will end.” Cassie looks concerned. Scott embraces Hope forehead to forehead (this looks like a hello or goodbye). “WITNESS THE BEGINNING OF A NEW DYNASTY” Kang stands on a platform again in Chronopolis looking at the orange portal above. Kang’s army assembles with soldiers on the ground and ships launching. Kang’s army attacks. Scott and Cassie run away with other people around them, perhaps inhabitants of the city? Janet and Hank embrace, looking concerned.

Cassie says, “This is my fault” the above while standing in front of the two Kang soldiers on the platform. Scott runs, splitting into multiple Ant-Mans (these may be echos of him rather than new variants of him). We see a Giant Ant-Man splitting into ribbons while running next to him. Giant Ant-Man falls apart much like Reed Richards did in MOM. There are Ant-Men running all around him. Kang speaks to them sweating with helmet off, revealing a scar going down his face. “You may not want her to watch this.” Cassie looks concerned as the soldiers pulled her hand away from Scott’s.

“We. had. a deal!” Kang hits Ant-Man with blue energy blasts from his suit. A battle seems to ensue. Cassie jumps from the platform in her purple “Stinger”-inspired suit as a huge purple explosion happens behind her. We see what looks like city lights above her. Then, we seen her hanging off the site of another platform within Chronopolis (probably a different scene). Explosions! MODOK rises wearing his gold mask. Kang punches Scott in the face as he falls on the ground. Hundreds of Wasps fly down towards Scott from the large gold ring structure. One grabs Scott’s arm while he’s on the column of Ant-Men. He looks up at her and we see either a ton of Wasps behind her (these may be echoes of her instead of variant Wasps).

Kang stands over Scott taunting him while he’s on the ground. “You thought you could win?” Kang gives Scott a boot to the helmet. The helmet rolls off, broken irreparably. Scott gets up. “I don’t have to win…” Kang puts Scott in a headlock as if he’s pushing him toward something. “…we both just have to lose.” Scott is bleeding and glaring at Kang when he says this. Scott starts to fall from the gold ring structure as the column of Ant-Men falls underneath him too. Cassie calls out to Scott. Scott struggles under a pile of Ant-Men. (He is the only one without a helmet, it appears. I believe this is how we will know it’s our Scott and not a variant.) He is trying to climb out of a tunnel of Ant-Men all wearing helmets. “I’m sorry, Cassie…” Kang walks out onto a platform in his suit, with blue helmet/mask activated. He shoots blue energy from his suit as he yells. “MARVEL STUDIOS” “ANT-MAN and the WASP” “QUANTUMANIA” “FEBRUARY 17”. End of trailer.

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