March 17, 2025 9:01:08 PM

Marvel revealed the Dinosaur Avengers, versions of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes on a planet where they’ve transformed into dinosaurs. The group of Fantastic Four has met plenty of antagonists, but this opponent is certainly exceptional. The latest unique stories of Fantastic Four have been coming from the minds of Ryan North and Iban Coello. The series features covers from the legendary artist Alex Ross.

Ryan North on Fantastic Four Artist Alex Ross

“Meet Brachiosaurus Iron Man, Lambeosaurus Captain Marvel, Quetzalcoatlus Black Widow, and more in a special first look at FANTASTIC FOUR (2022) #12,” Marvel says regarding the upcoming title. “One page finds the Fantastic Four investigating a mysterious phenomenon in the woods, only to get sucked inside. On another page, they find themselves trapped in a glowing cage as the dinosaur Avengers descend on them. Elsewhere, the human Avengers face four extremely angry and confused dinosaurs with fantastic and very familiar superpowers.”

In a conversation with ComicBook, Ryan North talked about Alex Ross. “When I was a kid reading comics, I loved Alex Ross especially, and my brother would tease me about it.” North said, “At the same time, I had just gotten my driver’s license. In order to drive his car, I needed car insurance, and car insurance is expensive when you’re a teenager with no income. I forget how this started, but my brother would tease me by doing mpressions of me writing a letter to my favorite artist Alex Ross saying, ‘Dear Mr. Ross, I love your work, would you please pay for my car insurance?’ He would relentlessly do this bit.”

He added, “I texted my brother recently like, ‘You will not believe what Alex Ross is doing. He didn’t buy me a car insurance, but he is doing covers for my Fantastic Four comic.’ That’s a joke for two people, but this is all to say I’m super thrilled. He’s a gifted artist, and the very idea that he’ll be drawing stuff that comes from my writing feels like a fairy tale.”

Fantastic Four #12, complete with the Dinosaur Avengers will be in your local comic store on October 4th.

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