Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 is the third and last film in the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The third film in the franchise has been something fans have been waiting for many years. It was rumored for a longtime that at San Diego Comic Con we’ll be getting a small tease of the film. We did but it was only for the people in attendance. Fans including me were disappointed as we wanted to see more from the best team in the MCU now that there are no Avengers and director James Gunn understands this. That is why before we see the final film in the Guardians franchise, he has prepared us a delicious Christmas special. An hour long fun time with our favorite characters.
This year we got Marvel’s first special, while Werewolf by Night introduced many new concepts and characters, GOTG special won’t do that. It is basically a family Christmas movie with our favorite Guardians. We knew this was coming but we didn’t have any other update regarding this till Marvel finally released a full length trailer it. As time passes very quickly we’re just a month away from the series’ debut and it looks like some lucky group of people have already seen the special and have expressed their thoughts. Let’s a take a look at it.
Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special First Reactions: Pure Fun?
The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special isn’t officially out yet so there are no official ratings from sites like Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb. So all we have are the reactions from the reviewers that have seen it. So, let’s dive in right away.
Brandon Davis
“As far as Special Presentations go, I really enjoy the format for Marvel. I prefer it over series. The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special and Werewolf by Night are so, so different which is great. Guardians feels like a silly mini-movie check-in with top tier characters.”
James Viscardi
“The #GOTGHoliday special will melt every “No Christmas stuff before Thanksgiving” purist’s heart. Such a feel good tale from James Gunn that shows everyone why Pom Klementieff and Dave Bautista are SO freaking good at what they do.”
Steve Weintraub
“The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special’ is a lot of fun and made me smile a lot. Unlike everything Marvel it’s not pushing the next MCU movie or show. It’s exactly what the title is selling a holiday special. If you’re a fan of Drax and Mantis you’re going to love it.”
Movie Podcast
“#GuardiansOfTheGalaxy Holiday Special is a HO HO HO BUNCH OF FUN! James Gunn celebrates the value of family and how you’re never too old to believe in the magic of Christmas. Pom Klementieff & Dave Bautista are a JOY TO WATCH. Marvel Studios has gifted us another great special!”
Movie Podcast
“CHRISTMAS TIME IS HERE! #GOTGHolidaySpecial is a JOYOUS MIRACLE. Pom Klementieff & Dave Bautista are a perfect pair as we laugh, cry & sing along their adventure for the ultimate gift. James Gunn continues to tug the heartstrings. This ones on the nice list! #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy”
Unknown Blogger
Such Moving Pictures
“THE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY HOLIDAY SPECIAL is so much fun!! Happy to have these fucking weirdos back front-and-center after their barely-there cameo in LOVE AND THUNDER. Mantis is truly one of the best characters in the MCU.”
Andy Ortiz
The Wrap
“The #GotGHolidaySpecial is just so much fun. Not nearly enough Nebula, but that’s an evergreen feeling for me. Lots of laughs and joy. And honestly, hard to imagine a better kick-off to a career for Kevin Bacon, really excited to see where he goes from here.”
Content Creator Deo
“The guardians of the galaxy holiday special was very charming. It’s filled with heart, action, and laughs. The ending hits VERY hard. Groot being practical was dope. The music was amazing too 10/10”
Kevin Polowy
“The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special is really enjoyable. Here for anything that celebrates the legend of The Legendary Kevin Bacon, but this is Dave Bautista & Pom Klementieff’s show, aka Drax & Mantis Go to Hollywood, and they are a total riot. Especially while drunk.”
The reviews for the Holiday Special just like any other Marvel content are great. However, as it is directed by James Gunn I have hopes from this. Let’s how is it when it comes out.
Check out the Full Trailer for the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special on YouTube:
The two important additions to the cast of the third film is Will Poulter’s Adam Warlock and Chukwudi Iwuji as the High Evolutionary. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 will release net year on 5th May 2023. Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special will be available for streaming on Disney Plus Hotstar from 25th November 2022.
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